Holiday warmth comes straight from the heart at FLASS. Each year we take great pleasure in dedicating our greetings to friends, family, patients, and colleagues.
There can be no better time to recognize you for your support and encouragement over the days of 2022. We wish you warm hearts and happy homes as we celebrate the joyous festivals of Christmas, Hanukah, and Kwanzaa.
FLASS Flu Alert: Holiday Warmth–No Fun if You Have the Flu

Holiday Wishes 2022 Come With Warnings of Flu Dangers.
However, this year we must add warnings to our customary messages of joy and goodwill. The flu season 2022-23 is on the rise. Additionally, it is said to be the worst in the last 14 years.
Did You Know It’s National Influenza Vaccination Week?
Because of the power of the 2022-2023 influenza strain, the CDC declared this week to be national Influenza Vaccination Week. “Currently, flu activity is elevated across the country…”
Additionally, they added, “So this week will serve to remind people that there is still time to benefit from the first and most important action in preventing flu illness… Get a flu vaccine today.”
And, by the way, FLASS thinks we need a second week of this national campaign. We hope to help make society aware of the importance of the flu-shot.
Holiday Warmth Chilled by Flu Facts

Don’t Go Shopping Without Your Flu Shot!
Let’s take a quick look at the chilling facts behind current influenza activity. You should know it “is high and continues to increase across the country.”
In the writing below you will find a chilling updated list of this season’s statistical details of the flu.
This flu is part of the triple health threat right now. This includes RSV and Covid-19. The trio of health hazards is threatening to overwhelm some healthcare facilities in certain parts of the US.
Big Warning for Little Ones: Pediatric Flu
This year, as in many previous ones, the states strongly, “Flu vaccines have been shown to be lifesaving in children…” This year’s well-formulated vaccine is “helping to reduce the risk of serious flu illness and flu-related hospitalization and death.”
Don’t forget, adds the CDC There’s still time this season for a flu vaccine to benefit your child.
- “Two influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported this week…”
- That brings our total of pediatric flu deaths to 14. And the season is not over yet.
Like the CDC, we are especially concerned that children get their flu vaccinations during this virulent season of flu. And we are particularly worried about those under 2 years old.
As in previous years, the victims of severe complications of the flu are often very young and very old.
Sadly, Holiday Fun Can Encourage Flu

Flu Vaccinations Protect Our Most Vulnerable Family Members: The Young and The Old.
As people prepare to travel, plan parties and shop in crowded malls, they need to know the value of the flu shot for protection from flu infection. Know these new flu facts:
1. The CDC estimates that, so far this season, there have already been at least 8.7 million Flu illnesses.
2. Likewise, there have been 78,000 hospitalizations with the flu.
3. Saddest of all, the record reflects 4,500 deaths from flu already this season. FLASS believes these stats are warnings. We need to watch out for infection during the holiday warmth and fun of family gatherings.
Be aware that the number of flu hospital admissions reported this week almost doubled when compared to last week. (Remember, even if you catch the flu, the flu shot can help. It minimizes the complications and keeps you out of the hospital.)
Flu Vaccinations for Everyone over 6 Months Old
As we have shared with you many times, your most extensive protection from the flu is the flu vaccination… The infamous flu shot.
Yet many people have still neglected to take this simple measure to protect themselves and their families from the flu and its serious complications. Here at FLASS, the doctors and staff “get it.”
Families are busy. We know everyone is over-scheduled with decorating their homes, preparing for holiday feasts, and shopping for presents.
However, let us take this opportunity to suggest that the most important item on your “To Do” list should be to get your flu-shots.
Terrific Take-Aways for Holiday Warmth

Many Holiday Wishes and Smiles! Get Your Flu Shot For a Healthier, Happier Holiday.
We do not mean to bring you anxiety, but only special alertness about this flu season. Now you know what to do to protect yourself and your family—and why. Thus we close on a brighter note: A quote full of holiday warmth and good cheer.
“The Joy of brightening other lives, bearing each other’s burdens, easing each other’s loads and supplanting empty hearts and lives with generous gifts becomes for us the magic of the holidays.” –W. C. Jones