Vows and Vaccines 2023 are our topics for this New Year’s Blog. First, let us address the time-honored custom of vows, or “resolutions.”

To-Do Action List:  New Year’s Resolutions

Vows And Vaccines 2023 Is The Right Way To Begin The New Year.

Turn Resolutions Into Vows. Then, Make A True Action Plan.

At FLASS, we do not believe the ancient tradition of listing intentional resolutions is a bad thing.  Many health-related resolutions encourage us to work on problems that are detrimental to our quality of life.

Do you need to stop smoking? Do you hope to stop craving junk food?  Are you working on getting more sleep?  FLASS encourages you. And even if your intentions only last a few weeks into 2023, we applaud you.

Why the do We Have the Compulsion to Write Personal Vows for the New Year?

Vows And Vaccines 2023: Act Now.

Vow to Get Your Flu Vaccine And Stay Flu-Free Into 2023.

We think New Year’s Resolutions are healthy for us mentally and emotionally.  In fact, we recently discovered some new research about our tendency to make New Year’s Resolutions.

The Neilson Norman Group states that this effect hits our psyche at this time of year due to certain factors. They stated, “Special occasions or temporal landmarks, such as a new year, cause people to reflect on their lives in a big-picture way…”  And they add that this “inspires them to set goals for better behavior.” This mental phenomenon is referred to as the fresh-start effect.

Thus, our DNA is wired to make resolutions in reaction to certain stimuli, like the beginning of a brand-new year.  Health-conscious vows are always an important part of this time of year.

Yes, we sometimes fail at maintaining them. But the fresh start factor of these New Year’s Resolutions can be important to our mental, spiritual, and physical health.

Vows and Vaccines 2023:  Be Flu-free in 2023

First, Take Your Flu-Shot. Secondly, Keep the Protection of Disinfection Through-Out 2023.

Now we know you are probably thinking this blog is just another prod to get you to take your Covid-19 Vaccination. And although we highly approve of that, this New Year’s Vows blog is about the almost forgotten vaccine, the flu vaccine.

We don’t even call them vaccines most of the time.  Just, “Please get your flu shot.” Here is a New Year’s Vow the FLASS health providers and staff would like to see you take.  Avoid the flu in the New Year.  Of course, that means we’d like you to take your flu vaccine.

Number One of our two Favorite New Year’s Vows and Vaccines 2023: Flu Vaccine

That would be Number One on our list of New Year’s Vows for 2023.  In case you are unaware, we are in the midst of a serious flu season.

According to the CDC, “Everyone 6 months of age and older should get a flu vaccine every year before flu activity begins in their community. CDC recommends getting vaccinated by the end of October.”

However, there are still a lot of days left in this season. It’s not too late. Yes, we’re worried about Covid-19, but keeping up with the flu is monumentally important to your overall health also.

Our Second Favorite New Year Vows and Vaccines 2023: Fighting Flu and Covid Variants:

Number one is to take that flu shot.  However, our Second Favorite vow of the season also helps you stay flu-free in 2023. It is a Resolution to take the Protection of Disinfection.

This resolution requires some real effort. However, you will appreciate it if you escape the flu in the New Year. Thus, as simple as the virus prevention vow below is, we fear you might neglect it in your daily rush.

In addition to your flu shots, stay safe by continuing to wash your hands more often. Keep the Covid Era custom of frequent hand washing and stay flu-free in 2023.

Terrific Take-Aways from Vows and Vaccines 2023

From FLASS to You, the World, the Galaxy, the Universe: Happy 2023 and Stay Flu-Free.

Now you know the secret motivation behind vows, vaccines, and New Year’s Resolutions.  We encourage you to add our two simple vows to your New Year’s resolution list.

And FLASS sends a wish for you and your family to enjoy all the health, happiness, and prosperity that 2023 can hold.  We close this last blog of 2022 with its Vows and Vaccines, with two famous New Year’s quotations:

“I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.” —Thomas Jefferson

“The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul…” —Gilbert K. Chesterton

Happy New Year, 2023!