Coping with COPD in 2023 continues to challenge patients in the new year. However, in the 2023 Gold Report, we have discovered major updates in the ways physicians “potentially view COPD.” You see, COPD is not to be considered a disease for stereotypical old men who have smoked for 50 years.
New View for Coping with COPD in 2023

Life After COPD Diagnosis Can Still Be Full Using New Therapies Lifestyle Habits.
Responding to the 2023 Gold Report, Dr. Antonio Anzueto explained a more modern way to view COPD. Dr. Antoni Anzueto is a member of the GOLD Science Committee and the COPD Foundation Medical and Scientific Advisory Committee. In a recent scientific article, he detailed this new change of view in 2023.
He stated, “We’re now looking at the complexity of COPD, which involves not just cigarette smoking, but other exposures,…especially in children.”
Coping with COPD 2023: A Gold Report 2023 Standard
- Dr. Antoni Anzueto stressed that the new view of COPD includes a number of factors causing the disease. There are new genetic and exposure factors that influence the diagnosis.
- Additionally, he stated, “The modern definition of COPD reflects that COPD can appear well outside the stereotype of an aged smoker.” This was long suspected, but the report makes it a standard for patients coping with COPD 2023.
- Writer, Michael W. Hess, MPH, RRT, RPFT, interviewed Dr. Anzueto and summarized, “the new “face of COPD” should be someone in their early 50s (or even younger), who happened to smoke or was exposed to pollutants, and was more likely female.”
However, this is quite different from the old-school stigmatic view that COPD was the exclusive disease of elderly men who had smoked all their lives.
More About The New View for Coping With COPD 2023
Let’s shift the perspective from physicians to patients at this point in this article. Pretend for a few moments you have recently been diagnosed with COPD. The diagnosis might be overwhelming, even mind-boggling. but FLASS is empowering patients to have hope through establishing new, healthy habits as well as traditional ones.
10 FLASS “Mind-Boggling Changes” in Lifestyle Habits for Patients with COPD 2023

The New View of COPD Includes Genetic and Environmental Causes. Significantly, It Includes More Than Just Smoking and Age. However, If You Do Smoke, Please Stop!
However, the rewards of a new lifestyle after a COPD Diagnosis are truly worthwhile. To make it easier for hundreds of patients, FLASS submits for your perusal, Ten Coping with COPD 2023 “Mind-Boggling” Changes patients should try to embrace.
The first five are shown below in this blog. Then, in our next issue, FLASS will present the remainder of these embraceable commitments.
Ten Commitments (Changes) For a COPD Healthy Life Part I: The First Five
1. Do not smoke.
You must stop this habit. This may be the toughest of the “Mind-Boggling” changes we ask smokers to embrace. Smoking kills, but if you stop, the lungs will strive to heal.
However, lungs can only heal if they are properly cared for. They can get stronger and function at their best only if a smoker stops smoking. Likewise, your heart will thank you. Medical news recently stated, “For people with COPD, quitting smoking is highly recommended.” (That could be an understatement.)
2. Avoiding Stress Is Vitally Important
Your health demands you must avoid stressing about appointments and special events. One way to do this is to always give yourself 10-20 extra minutes of departure time.
You see, wheezing and shortness of breath can be triggered by the stress of rushing to go somewhere.
3. Imagination For Fun: to Cope with COPD 2023

Early Diagnosis of COPD Can Be Shocking. However, Our FLASS “Mind-Boggling” Lifestyle Changes Are Methods For Coping With COPD 2023.
Always find new ways to do the special things you love and enjoy. For example, one patient learned to kneel rather than lean over when she worked in her garden.
4. Seek Family Support: Share Concerns About COPD
Share your concerns and fears with family and friends. It’s important that they understand the facts of your disease. As a result, they will more fully understand and sympathize. If others understand that certain activities are more difficult, they will probably surprise you with support.
Consequently, if you are not hiding your disease or ashamed of it, you are giving people the opportunity to help you. For example, another patient learned to turn over lawnmowing her son. (This had been one of her secret pleasures.)
5. Respect Your Medical Team and Understand Your Treatment Plan
Remember, your medical team is vital to your health and well-being. Additionally, it is important to fully understand and follow your treatment plan.
Know that your new professional support team will include nurses who give medication. It will also include technicians, therapists, social workers, dietitians, and even psychologists.
Moreover, communication with your support medical support team “plays an important role in helping a person with COPD stay as healthy as possible.” With new online consultations available, this is a great development. It can often find faster solutions than waiting for an on-site appointment.
5. Following Your Treatment Plan and Regular Exercise Program Is Vital

These 5 Mind-Boggling Healthy Lifestyle Changes Can Help You Deal with COPD in the New Year.
Remember, it is vital to stay with your treatment plan. This includes regular exercise as well as breathing exercises. Additionally, if possible, attend pulmonary rehabilitation appointments.
“Many patients have regular pulmonary rehabilitation appointments.” A study in the International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease suggests that pulmonary rehab can help people with COPD lead quality lives. Certainly, this includes increasing their ability to exercise.”
This concludes the first five “Mind-Boggling” changes of life you need to commit for coping with COPD. However, next week, in the FLASS Blog, you will see the remaining FLASS Five “Mind-Boggling Life Changes.” You will also learn about the surprising one many patients found to be the most challenging of all 10 of our Mind-Boggling Changes.
And the doctors and staff at FLASS remind you, “It’s not about the moments in your life; it’s about the life in your moments!”