Warning!  He’s named “Flu 2018.”  He is our Public Enemy Number One.  He is the gangster, who invades our country every fall and winter.  And this is your first FLASS flu warning.  According to the warning of Florida Health Dept., at this time Flu 2018 in our area is moderate and sporadic. But, Public Enemy # 1 can appear suddenly and cause serious consequences.  So now it’s the perfect time to get your flu vaccine.

Putting the Vaccine Shield between You and the Flu
Warning. Flu attacks can cause severe illness and in some cases, death.

The Flu, Public Enemy # 1 Can Only Be Defeated By You and a Flu Virus Shot

Warnings like this one have peppered our blog every year.  We don’t want to cause you anxiety.  But we do want you to heed the warning.  And while we don’t mean to sound threatening, remember, Flu 2018 is a criminal.  He or it is “Armed and Dangerous.”  He will rob you of work and steal your child’s school time.

Along the way he could put Grandmother in severe jeopardy.  This Public Enemy will cause 15% to 40% of the population to “develop illness from the influenza virus, every single year. ”

Put simply, Florida Lung, Asthma and Sleep Specialists (FLASS) urge you to take a vaccine break from your busy schedule. It’s just like taking a coffee break except instead of coffee, you get your flu shot.  Now.

Our Flu Warning 2018 Means It’s Time To Get Your Shield against the Disease.
Warning, time for a flu shot.

Flu Victim

We join the health authorities in proclaiming the  vaccine is your best shield against the virus.  Put it between you and the flu.  You do not want to meet Flu.  Even as many of us feel it’s still summer, fall inevitably brings us this

A hooded, dark and menacing figure personifies 2018 Flu.

The Flu, now marked as Public Enemy #1. Get your shot for a Flu-Free Florida!

unwelcome guest.

  • Did you know that an average of about 36,000 people per year in the United States die from influenza?
  • Are you aware that influenza infection puts 114,000 per year in the hospital?
  • And do you really understand that healthy people can get the flu? You are not immune!  Influenza can happen at any age.
  • This Public Enemy Number 1 assaults many people, age 65 years and over.  However, did you know he can sneak up on people of any age, with deadly results?  Our Flu 2018 assaults people with chronic medical conditions. And very young children are more likely to get complications from influenza.
The Flu’s Weapons Are Numerous

Flu uses numerous and varied weapons.  And here is your list of savage symptoms with which Flu virus assaults humans:

Flu Warning Symptom 1:  Body aches and pains.
Flu Warning Symptom 2:  Cough and chest discomfort, congestion.

Flu’s Warning Symptom 3: Draining Fatique

The cough and chest discomfort could  be accompanied or preceded by a feeling of being drained and exhausted.  This condition is unique and significant.  And it usually occurs very early in the illness. The weakness assault might last up to 2–3 weeks.

Warning: The Flu can rob your child of school time.

Protect Your Child From the Miseries of the Flu

Flu Warning Symptom 4:  The Hammering Headache.

Flu Warning Symptom 5:  Caution… High Fever!   (This means fevers from 102–104 degrees F.  This is considered very high for adults)  And it can assault you for 3–4 days.
Flu Warning Symptom 6:  Flu 2018 Comes in Disguise–  Flu infection can disguise itself!

It can also begin as a stuffy nose, sneezing and sore throat.  Such is the work of our Public Enemy Number 1.

The Description of Public Enemy Number One

Basic Flu Definition You Might Not Know!  “Influenza, or flu, is a respiratory infection caused by a variety of flu viruses. The “flu” is a common catch-all term used for a variety of illnesses.  But it correctly applies only to the upper respiratory disease caused by the influenza virus.”  FLASS invites you to take your flu shot early.  To find a flu shot near you, talk to your physician.  Likewise, you could contact your local county health department, or use the Florida Department of Health’s handy flu shot locator. 

Special Warning:  Remember, this criminal, Flu 2018, especially seeks our certain victims.  He (or rather, “it”) seeks out people of any age with chronic medical conditions.  The elderly, and very young children are particularly susceptible.  They are the people you help protect from the Public Enemy Number One gangster disease. So, please get your flu shot. As we have said, in previous years, if you won’t get your vaccine for yourself, get it for others. to The vaccines protects your family, co-workers, school and community.  Could we make Florida Flu-Free?  FLASS is out to get this public enemy Number 1.  Schedule your shot today.