Project Description

A lung nodule is defined on imaging as a small lesion, usually ≤30mm in size. Most nodules are benign and don’t change but a few are early cancers and LCS will detect them when they grow and show themselves to be potential cancers. There are approximately 1.6 million nodules detected incidentally yearly on diagnostic CT scans performed for other reasons. Most of these nodules are benign, but some might develop into full-blown lung cancer over time. At FLASS, we have physicians who are very proficient in managing lung nodules effectively.
Our Approach to Lung Nodule Management:
- Proper risk stratification since most nodules in low-risk patients are benign
- Utilization of state-of-the-art techniques with biomarkers or bronchoscopic approaches to better stratify the patients in the intermediate-risk group before proceeding to intervention
- Timely follow-up of CT scans with reminders sent to the patients
- A multidisciplinary approach to lung nodule management
- All chest CT scans are reviewed by our pulmonologists on your appointment day
- Treatment for lung nodules are based on proven guidelines.
Lung cancer screening and nodule management program navigator/provider: Jenniffer Bates APRN
Lung cancer screening and nodule management program directors: Dr. Maximo Lama & Dr. Irtza Sharif