Long Covid-19: What Is It?
By SEO|2022-01-31T00:38:47-04:00January 29, 2022|Categories: Long Haul Coronavirus|Tags: Are You a Long Hauler?, fever and dizziness, Headaches with fast pounding Heart Beat?, Long Haul Coronavirus Symptoms, Road Signs of Long COVID, Tired? Hard to Catch Breath?|
Long Covid-19 has become another coronavirus term in our shadow-of-the-Pandemic [...]
Omicron Toolbox: Facts
By SEO|2022-01-18T02:34:07-04:00January 14, 2022|Categories: The Omicron Toolbox|Tags: Biggest Tool in Omicron Toolbox, Masks are not all equal, No worse than a bad cold?, Omicron Toolbox: Knowledge, Omicron: Good News Tool, Therapeutics|
Omicron Toolbox is our phrase for a blog to answer [...]
Time to Breathe in 2022
By SEO|2022-01-01T23:02:48-04:00December 31, 2021|Categories: 2022 New Year: Time to Breathe, Healthy COPD Breathe|Tags: American Lung Association, Breathing Exercise Cautions, Exercise for proper deep breathing, Focus on wellness in 2022, the New Year, Time to Breathe|
Time to Breathe means different things to different people. 2021 [...]
New Year Vows 2022
By SEO|2021-12-28T01:17:25-04:00December 28, 2021|Categories: 7 New Year Vows for Health|Tags: "Handy" Disinfection, Call Your Physician!, Deadly Desk Surfaces, Fighting Flu and Covid-19, Flu shots are important too., New Year Vows, Treacherous Toothbrush Holder|
New Year Vows and resolutions are ways to get a [...]
Omicron Variant and Holiday Planning
By SEO|2021-12-13T23:54:23-04:00December 11, 2021|Categories: General Healthcare Tips|Tags: Basic Big Four Facts, COVID-19 Testing, Holiday Travel: First Victim, Holiday Trip Caution, In Doubt, Mask Up!, Omicron Variant Research|
The Omicron Variant and Holiday Planning collide as we approach [...]
Sleep Enemies: COPD Tips,Part II
By SEO|2021-11-28T12:13:57-04:00November 25, 2021|Categories: Tips to fight sleep enemies|Tags: Find Your Routine Rhythm, Oxygen Therapy Conversation, Sleep Enemies At Once: COPD and Apnea, Sleep Enemies that Plague COPD Patients, Tips to Fight Sleep Enemies|
Sleep enemies sometimes attack COPD patients on more than one [...]