COPD Testing: New Research
By SEO|2022-04-01T04:16:16-04:00March 31, 2022|Categories: Simple COPD Test|Tags: COPD Testing, life and breath, Low-to-Mid Income Countries, Sad Truths Behind The Statistics, Simple Screening for COPD, Spirometry Unavailability|
COPD Testing for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease must not be [...]
Eating and Breathing with Asthma
By SEO|2022-03-29T05:08:23-04:00March 24, 2022|Categories: Avoiding Asthma Foods|Tags: “trigger foods”, Breathing Vs. Processed Meat, Fast Food and Breathing Don’t Mix, FLASS Forbidden Menu!, No More Happy Meals, Worst Offender: White Bread|
Eating and breathing are not as unrelated as you might [...]
Vaping – COPD: Bad Romance
By SEO|2022-03-18T16:35:31-04:00March 15, 2022|Categories: Vaping and COPD a dangerous combination|Tags: Can vaping cause COPD?, Uncomfortable Truths, Vaping Laws and Lungs, Vaping Plus COPD, Vaping Vs. Smoking|
Vaping Plus COPD has become very controversial. We at FLASS [...]
Asthma Alert 2022: Beware Triggers
By SEO|2022-03-01T05:43:32-04:00February 28, 2022|Categories: General Healthcare Tips, Spring 2022 Asthma Alert|Tags: Allergies and Irritants, asthma symptoms, Cough-Choke-Wheeze Syndrome, Spring Seasonal Allergens, The Key to Control, What Are Asthma Triggers?|
Asthma Alert 2022 means that spring is just around the [...]
Lung Transplants With ECMO
By SEO|2022-02-23T05:22:36-04:00February 20, 2022|Categories: Lung Transplant With ECMO saves lives|Tags: ECMO and Covid-19 Patients, ECMO Machine: Time to Heal, Functions of ECMO, Lung Transplant Hero: ECMO, lung Transplants, Treat Patients with ECMO|
Lung transplants became life-saving surgeries for patients whose lungs were [...]
Heart Month and Valentines
By SEO|2022-02-14T02:04:10-04:00February 11, 2022|Categories: General Healthcare Tips, Valentines to keep Hearts Healthy|Tags: Happy Valentine Month, heart-healthy: keep moving, Risk of Heart Disease, Take Medication as directed., Valentines for your Circulatory System.|
Heart Month is officially February. Coincidentally, February also holds that [...]