As Memorial Day brings the summer season to Florida, FLASS is proud and excited to bring you some huge news.  The Doctors, healthcare professionals and staff of Florida Lung, Asthma and Sleep Specialists extend a warm welcome to Dr. Raul Carrillo as he joins the FLASS Family.  He will officially mark his first day on June 1.  Plus, we will be opening a new location in Clermont, making it possible for Clermont patients to enjoy FLASS service without a long drive.  Read on for all the fresh details.

Exciting News from your Florida Lung, Asthma and Sleep Specialists!

Dr. Raul Carrillo

Dr. Raul Carrillo comes to us fully board certified in both pulmonology and internal medicine, and of course, licensed in the state of Florida.  His impressive background includes his internship at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine/Elmhurst Hospital in New York.  Previous to that he completed his medical studies and obtained his Medical Doctorate Degree at the Universidad De Cartagena in Cartagena, Colombia.  He has spent the last nine years in private practice, in Clermont, FL.

Thus it is no coincidence that our newest FLASS location will be in Clermont, as Dr. Carrillo’s location becomes part of our network of offices connecting communities throughout central Florida.

Another Welcome To FLASS for a Very Special ARNP

Jeff Omwenga, ARNP

We also take this happy occasion to welcome Jeff Omwenga, ARNP, who will be joining our wonderful group of extenders in the hospitals.  In case you do not recognize the designation, an ARNP is an advanced nurse practitioner who completes a very special graduate-level educational program.

An ARNP can have primary responsibility for patient care.  He can examine patients and establish diagnoses by patient history, physical examination and other assessments.  ARNPs can also order, collect, perform and interpret diagnostic tests.  Additional duties include managing care plans and prescribing therapies and medical equipment.

Memorial Day Greetings from our FLASS Family to You and Your Family!

Memorial Day, 2018
The First Summer Picnic

The three day Memorial Day Holiday brings Central Florida crowds of happy citizens celebrating the arrival of the official season of summer.  Nowhere is this more obvious than in the areas around Orlando, where there is a bounty of scenic nature, man-made entertainment, and fine weather for us to enjoy.

The doctors, healthcare professionals and staff realize that everywhere in the United States, the holiday instigates backyard parties and gatherings of friends and families. Coast to coast, people are dusting off their boats and cleaning up their barbecue grills.  If you want to discover some healthy habits to help you cope with the holiday, take a look at this online resource from a registered dietitian. 

FLASS Alerts and Reminders

Of course, we would be remiss if we did not urge some respiratory caution over the big 3 day weekend.  So, we remind you to pack your sunscreen and take your inhalers with you.

Simply use good sense, and follow your asthma action plan or your specific course of treatment as you exercise and enjoy these wonderful activities to initiate the summer spirit of 2018.  Avoid triggers that might cause you to exacerbate COPD or asthma.

Memorial Day and its True Significance

We believe Memorial Day brings you wonderful activities with family, friends and outdoor festivities.  However, the FLASS family of professionals also believes that we must not lose the true meaning of the upcoming holiday.

Did You Know?

The custom of setting aside Memorial Day originated so that citizens would have the time to honor our nation’s military dead.

There are ceremonies and parades in many U.S.A. communities. Communities design such festivities not simply to welcome summer, but to honor the members of the Americans Armed Forces who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country. It’s true; this holiday is to commemorate those who have died in service to their country.  This holiday is often confused with Veteran’s day, which is also for soldiers, both living and dead.

  • Let us vow to pause for a few moments, sometime in the three-day celebration of our lives, to recognize their deaths.
  • Let us steal a moment from the first fun of the summer, and put a flower on a hero’s grave.

Here at FLASS, owners, staff and counselors bow our heads to remember the soldiers who gave up their lives to keep us free and safe in our American homesLearn more about this special tradition at this reliable site.