Memorial Day 2021 brings us a highly significant holiday as we exchange the lockdowns and masks for parties and family gatherings.  From the roads and highways to the parks and backyards, America is preparing to celebrate all types of Memorial Day outdoor fun with family and friends.

Due to the shadow of the Covid-19 Pandemic, it seems to be taking a long time to reach May 31, 2021.  However, it is soon arriving. Therefore, we deem it appropriate to say a few words about the occasion. Likewise, it also seems appropriate to dedicate this blog to our fallen military heroes.


The First Glimpse of Summer Fun

Memorial Day 2021: A Day For Family And Remembering Our Lost Heroes.

Caution: Some Summer Food Can Trigger Allergy and Asthma.

In modern times Memorial Day has always inspired Americans with the first taste of summer escapes.  It has become the first summer holiday and for many, a minivacation.

And,  after the COVID-19 restrictions on travel and human interaction, we welcome this year’s Memorial Day with extra vigor and joy.


The Truth about Memorial Day

And all these celebrations are wonderful enterprises.  Therefore, we initiate this summer spirit of joy. But we must not neglect the true meaning of Memorial Day 2021. Did you know the custom of setting aside Memorial Day to honor our nation’s military dead was initially created shortly after the Civil War?

The first purpose of Memorial Day was not to create an early summer celebration.  The government-endorsed this holiday to give people time to honor fallen members of America’s Armed Forces. Thus, the initial reason for Memorial Day was to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country.


The Memorial Day 2021 Question:  How Can We Honor Soldiers Who Have Given Their Lives to this Country?

Take A Moment To Remember…

Although there is no doubt we will all have fun on the holiday weekend, FLASS hopes you find a moment to pause in the Happy Memorial Day 2021 Celebrations.  Further, we hope you will use this pause to commemorate our soldiers’ sacrifices.

Read the real story of the truth behind Memorial Day at this informative source.  (Caution! This site portrays the realities of wars and heroes, and it might deeply touch your heart.)


Our FLASS Memorial Day 2021 Message:  More than a Mini-Vacation

FLASS has decided that a weekend plus one-day memorial is not enough for our fallen heroes. We’ve started early.  We are already watching families drive the busy highways and byways of the US, to visit grandmothers and enjoy vacation experiences.


. Memorial Day:  Time to Honor, Remember, and Celebrate

We all pause to see the President of the United States lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. But there is another side to Memorial Day.  We also realize Memorial Day 2021 is the key that unlocks the world of happy outdoor activities, especially in our beautiful area.  However, it is also the gateway to many seasonal asthma triggers.


Celebrate the great outdoors–But Beware of Asthma Triggers

Caution: Asthma Triggers Can Defeat Your Summer Dreams. Take Your Medication.

If you respond to grass pollens with allergic reactions or asthma, the beginning-of-summer triggers might challenge you.

So, let’s look at some of the summer asthma triggers which can result in asthma attacks.  And keep in mind that summer asthma attacks can provoke mild or deadly attacks, depending on the patient.

“Although symptoms may not always be severe, summertime allergies and asthma are serious and, in some cases, deadly,” says allergist James Sublett, MD.  Dr. Sublett is also chair of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Public Relations Committee.

He adds, “However, these conditions shouldn’t damper summer fun. Proper diagnosis and treatment involve more than just relieving symp­toms. It can find the source of your suffering and stop it.” The moral of the story is to know your summertime asthma triggers and follow your FLASS Asthma Action Plan.


Summer Asthma Trigger 1:  Sweet Summer Fruits and Veggies

Caution: Some Summer Food Can Trigger Allergy And Asthma.

At that Memorial Day 2021 family picnic, biting into a juicy strawberry is not always a good idea.  Reactions can range from tingling lips to full-on respiratory distress.

At FLASS we believe in addressing food allergies, getting properly tested, and following the individualized FLASS action plan for specific treatment in case of accidental ingestion.


Summer Asthma Trigger 2:  Changes in the Weather

After Memorial Day, summer weather can be unpredictable in our area. You might face:

  • Quick Smothering humidity, or Cool Sudden Breezes.
  • Winds full of strange pollen, and mold.
  • And sudden Surprisingly cold rain.

Did you know that the fact weather changes suddenly to a “new” condition is a big enough trigger to provoke an asthma attack? Again, you and FLASS can prevent or control severe attacks.

Just commit to your FLASS asthma action plan.  Vow, that, starting with your Memorial Day 2021 outing, you never leave your rescue inhaler at home.


3. Why You Might Dislike S’Mores and Tiki Torches:  The Fire Trigger

On the riverbank or the ocean beach, snuggling down by a Memorial Day 2021 campfire might not be such a good idea if you have asthma. Smoke of any kind is a very typical asthma trigger. Stay up-wind. Sit away from the fire.  Far away.  That means no marshmallow toasting!


4. Stinging Insects

People with severe allergies to insects normally carry epinephrine in case they get stung by bees, wasps, hornets, or fire ants.  Our advice is to wear long sleeves and don’t wear perfume!

Likewise, avoid carrying an open sugary drink can!  FLASS will recommend testing, of course, so you can be prepared.

Yes, Memorial Day opens the beautiful, powerful season of summer to us.  Here at FLASS, we are committed to helping our asthma patients enjoy it as much as we do!  Celebrate summer, but know your triggers!


FLASS Terrific Take-Aways

Memorial Day 2020: Remember Our Heroic Soldiers. They Gave Their Lives For Our Liberty.

Memorial Day Carries a Double Meaning: More Than the Beginning of Summer. It’s a Time to Remember Our U.S. Fallen Soldiers.

This Memorial Day 2021 weekend will bring probably bring you fun, family, and food. However, underneath the festivities, FLASS knows it is a special time to remember the heroes who fought for freedom.

Thus, we recognize it is also a day for giving is our most reverent and respectful honor to our military fallen heroes.  In addition to our smiles and laughter during Memorial Day 2021, we commemorate our soldiers’ sacrifices with a quiet heart, a bowed head, and silent gratitude.

FLASS  offers you special thanks for reading our blog, and we continue to hope you will visit it often for the latest trends, tips, and news about children’s dentistry.

(And although we know this holiday is specifically for our soldiers, perhaps we can also reserve a tiny moment of it to remember the victims of COVID-19, who were also soldiers against a deadly viral enemy.)