Lung Injury Report and Vaping Alert is hereby released by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) as well as the Florida Lung Asthma and Sleep Specialists.  We would be remiss if we did not warn our patients, friends, readers, and families of the new dangers concerning vaping and e-cigarettes.  We know many people have turned to e-cigarettes as a recourse to smoking regular cigarettes. Thus we hope this Lung Injury Report will alert them and others who vape.

Ramping Up Statistics

Vaping Could Be Related to Lung Injury.

Neither Smoking or Vaping is a Healthy Option for Your Lungs.

There are no pretty ways to announce this. We cannot soften the blow, sugar-coat the announcements or mitigate the circumstances. If you vape, we hope you will pay close attention to the investigation of the CDC as it unravels the mysteries of the recent lung injury cases.  They now have connected 1,080 lung injury cases with using an e-cigarette, or vaping.  And as of Oct. 1, the lung injury situation had spread into 48 states and 1 U.S. territory.

Report:  Eighteen Deaths Associated with Vaping

So far the mysterious disease has claimed 18 lives. The only shared activity of the patients was a history of using e-cigarettes or vaping. Important to the investigation has been the fact that “Most patients report a history of using THC-containing products.”  Therefore, we have another piece of the puzzle in the Lung Injuries: “The latest national and regional findings suggest products containing THC plays a role in the outbreak.”

At first, termed an epidemic, the CDC now sees injury in the lungs of the afflicted. Here in Orlando, the Florida Lung, Asthma and Sleep Specialists are studying other unique details. Some of these details have also been revealed by the CDC.  And thus, we are keeping a careful watch on patients in the following statistical groups:

  • They found 70% of patients are male.
  • And they have discovered that 80% of patients are under 35 years old.
  • Likewise, 16% of the diagnosed lung injury or vaping disease patients are under 18 years old.
  • Narrowing it down even further, they report that 21% of the lung injury patients are 18 to 20 years old.

Symptoms from Vaping:  Testimony of the Sick and Dying


The CDC shares that patients are explaining their symptoms in a shortlist: First, they say they have a “cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain” Secondly, this phases into nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.  Thirdly, they are overcome by fatigue, fever, and/or abdominal pain.

On the one hand, some patients have become ill with this vaping sickness, over a short lapse of time, within a few days. On the other hand, some patients have declared that their symptoms developed more gradually, taking several weeks to disable them.

Surprising News from the Laboratory:  No Infection

Although these symptoms seem to indicate infection at first glance. However, the CDC has discovered that “a lung infection does not appear to be causing the symptoms.”  Therefore, the latest reports have utilized the term “Lung Injury.”

FLASS Special Alert:  Lung Injury Report and the Flu

Time For Your Flu Shot! It’s Your Best Defense Against Influenza.

Here in Orlando, our doctors and staff are always aware of the different causes that can initiate the symptoms listed above.  And sometimes, we might even need to begin treatment before the diagnostic tests are returned from the lab.  Such is the case with the season’s number one respiratory enemy:  the flu.

The upcoming weeks and months are known as the flu season. During this period, the CDC has advised us to be aware of the obvious similarity between the onset of flu symptoms and lung injury associated with e-cigarette use.

The CDC stated, “…It may not be possible to definitively distinguish between” the two using available testing. “Therefore, therapy directed at both may be necessary.”  And they added, “Decisions on the initiation or discontinuation of treatment should be based on specific clinical features.”  And, when appropriate, consult with a specialist.


In the Face of CDC Lung Injury Reports:  Flu Shots Now Even More Important


With the mystery vaping disease still under investigation, it is even more important to get your flu shot this year. These are early days and the flu has not made any big headlines yet, but it’s here and it has already claimed some lives.

Therefore, in addition to warning you about the dangers of vaping, we are alerting you that it is not too early to think about getting your flu shot. So, everyone over the age of 6 months should get their immunizations. Likewise, we are additionally intensifying our warning to those over 65.  You see, the flu gets more dangerous as you age.

We don’t mean to worry you, However, statistics state that “people 65 and older make up about 70 to 90 percent of seasonal flu-related deaths.”  Likewise, this group makes up between 50-70 percent of the flu-related hospital stays.  To put it bluntly, your immune system gets weaker as you age. You might find that you can’t fight off the symptoms quite as easily as you did when you were younger.  The shot will bolster your immune system. Then, even if you get the flu, you’ll bounce back from it faster with a lighter case.

Research Into Lung Injury Continues

Researchers Believe that Lung Injury Is Related to Vaping.

Advertisers Don’t Tell You Their Product Could Be Causing Damage to Your Lungs.

David C. Christiani, M.D., M.P.H. of the Harvard T.H. School of Public Health recently published an article in the New England Journal of Medicine.  In the article, he revealed that the cause of lung injury cases might involve the interaction of multiple ingredients. There are at least six groups of potentially toxic compounds present in the tiny chamber of an e-cigarette. These plus THC and/ or CBD might be interacting.

What we know now is that on X-rays, the lungs look like a pathogen has attacked them. However, when doctors have attempted to ascertain a common bacterial or viral source, they found no infection. What we know now is that ill patients have only vaping in common. As we publish this blog, there is still no smoking gun or specific product to pin down as a direct cause.

Terrific Take-Aways For You:  And, Beware, Young Lungs!


Investigation continues, and the Florida Lung, Asthma and Sleep Specialists will be updating you as information becomes available. Meanwhile, the researchers continue to meticulously dissect the possible causes of each mysterious lung injury case.  For now, with cases of lung injury piling up, we urge you to cease vaping until the CDC institutes proper regulation and safety measures. Likewise, if you have a child, teenagers or young people in your home, we urge you to make certain he or she is aware of the critical dangers inherent in vaping.

For more information, please read the details of one of our previous blog postings.  (And remember, it’s not too soon to get your flu shot.)