Lung Cancer Awareness Month 2022 comes in November, every year. And almost every year, we focus our Florida Lung, Asthma, and Sleep Specialists’ blog on lung cancer awareness during this beautiful fall month.
As in previous years, FLASS connects with people and organizations across the US to advocate for education and research funding in an effort to fight lung cancer.
Likewise, we join countless other clinicians and scientists to make a stand against this killer disease. Additionally, Lung Cancer Awareness means we celebrate survivors who have outpaced the disease and attained a high quality of life.
Lung Cancer Awareness Month 2022: A Solemn Statistic for Lung Cancer

Often Considered a Smoker’s Disease: Lung Cancer Awareness Also Reveals Causes From Environment and Genetics.
Did you know that lung cancer is the leading edge of cancer deaths in the U.S.? As the November days go by, we suggest you check out this disease at the online source below.
Find out why and how “lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S.”. On that website, the Lung Association will be posting lung cancer resources.
1. For example, you can read the newly created “State of Lung Cancer Report 2022.”
2. Plus, you will find motivating “patient stories,” experiences, and outcomes. These true stories can make an authentic human difference in the lives of loved ones going through similar events after diagnosis.
3. And, as the month continues, you will find a wealth of lifesaving data about lung cancer screening. Learn more details about this amazing test at another reputable source.
Lung Cancer Lies: Learning the Truth
Many people in daily life think they understand the symptoms and causes of lung cancer. However, in this blog we will acquaint you with some major commonly believed, but untrue misconceptions behind this disease. Multiple writers have called these myths. We just label them lies.
1. Big Lie Number One—Lung Cancer is the “Smoker’s Disease”.
This is so false! “L

Lung Cancer Awareness Means We Cheer For Those Who Survive This Killer Disease.
ung cancer isn’t only a concern for smokers…” To put it simply, lung cancer can also be caused by genetic factors.
Smokers often get lung cancer “due to the extended toxic exposure to their lungs. But smoking is not the only cause of lung cancer.” It can also be caused by genetic factors. In fact, about 10 percent of lung cancers are caused by genes or external irritants like Radon.
2. The Second Big Lung Cancer Lie–Lung Cancer Only Affects the Elderly
Let’s turn to the Mayo Clinic for advice on this misconception. Dr. John Costello, a pulmonologist at the Mayo Clinic, states “Lung cancer is certainly more common in older people – the average age of diagnosis is 70 years. This may, however, just reflect more prolonged exposure to tobacco…”
Therefore, this is not a disease that only strikes older people. Sometimes people contract lung cancer as young as 20 or 30.
3. Big Lie Number Three: Smoking Irreparably Damages Lungs
This myth seems to be forcing smokers to avoid quitting because it won’t help anyway. This is not true. When a smoker quits, the lungs work extremely hard to repair their damage.
Much of the damage and inflammation can be reversed.
However, the trick is to quit before you contract emphysema. Emphysema destroys lung tissue and causes breathlessness. You cannot repair it. Thus, the wisest choice is to avoid smoking or vaping in the first place.
4. Fourth Big Lie: Lung Cancer Always Kills

FLASS is Here to Help You Fight Lung Cancer and Attain Your Best Quality of Life.
Lung Cancer is a very serious diagnosis. However, it is not a death sentence. Experts tell us, “On the one hand, Lung cancer has a 65% survival rate for five years in people with localized disease…”
On the other hand, if it has spread throughout your body at the time of diagnosis, the 5-year survival rate is only eight percent. Lung Cancer Awareness means you understand these details.
Lung Cancer Awareness 2022: Hope Shines Brighter Every Day for Lung Cancer Victims
Day by day, medicine develops new artillery to go against this killer disease. For example, you can now be screened for lung cancer with a simple, low-dose CT scan. If you are a smoker over 50, scans can pick up small tumors early in your case.
Then, you can have more time, more life. With good care, you might even gain up to 80-90 percent of that highly desired chance for five more years in spite of lung cancer.
Lung Cancer Awareness 2022: Terrific Take-Aways
A “yes” to any of the questions below should lead you to a visit with your doctor and a possible lung cancer scan.
- Do you have a persistent cough?
- Regardless of whether or not you smoke, are you suffering from recurring chest infections?
- Are you experiencing breathlessness or chest pain?
An Announcement from The Lung Association

FLASS Wishes You an Autumn of Good Breath and Good Health!
We at FLASS would like to send kudos to the Lung Association. They just announced they have contributed an additional $13.1 million to accelerate lung health research for 2022-2023.
The National President and CEO Harold Wimmer stated, “The American Lung Association is investing in the top scientific minds to find better ways to reduce the burden of lung disease and investigate the long-term impacts of lung health challenges.”
As always, the doctors and staff at FLASS thank you for taking the time to read the FLASS blog. We hope our readers will revel in good breathing. Likewise, if a doctor diagnosed you or a loved one with lung cancer, be aware we support you. We are here to help.
Happy Fall! Thanksgiving is just around the corner. We hope all of our extended FLASS family enjoy the beautiful fall season.