Labor Day 2020 has fast descended upon us.  Fall is practically official.  Even though it is still warm in Florida, you can sense autumn breezes on the way if you take a deep breath in the early evening.


Labor Day 2020 Lung Disease Warnings

FLASS Wants Everyone to Have Lungs Like These: Clean and Healthy.

Before we depart from our usual topics to bring you special Labor Day information, FLASS alerts you to pay attention to COVID-19 warnings and rules as you enjoy your picnic, fishing, boating, and outdoor activities.  Of course, you love seeing friends, but please wear your mask and maintain social distancing.

Protect the vulnerable, and maintain meticulous hand washing, no matter where you have traveled. Backyard, across town, or across the state, officials alert us that COVID-19 is still a grave danger.


Labor Day 2020 Special COVID-19 Alert from Dr. Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci, said Friday that the nation’s number of coronavirus cases remained “unacceptably high.” Have fun, but follow, a “few best practices to prevent a surge after this Labor Day weekend.”  He added,

“We know from prior experience that when you get into holiday weekends, the Fourth of July, Memorial Day, there’s a tendency of people to be careless somewhat with regard to the public health measures…” during holiday outings.”

So even as you plan your Labor Day outings, he states, “We’re right around 40,000 new cases [a day]. That’s an unacceptably high baseline,” Fauci told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell on Wednesday. “We’ve got to get it down. I’d like to see it at 10,000 or less, hopefully, less.”


FLASS Sees Hope on the Horizons of Research

Labor Day COVID-19 Caution:  Protect Yourself with Masks, Distancing, and Washing Hands.

FLASS Recommends avoiding crowds and keeping your mask in place carefully.  However, we also are seeing room for optimism as we continue to face COVID-19 and enter Flu Season.

  1. There is now, stronger evidence that steroids are an effective treatment for severe COVID-9. We’ll be bringing you more news about this development, no doubt.
  2. Likewise, we are looking at available vaccines by the end of the year. Kaiser Health reports that the nation might not be ready to accept a vaccine, but recent polls from WebMD demonstrate we are prepared and anticipating it. Accordingly, acceptance of a COVID-19 vaccine is gradually growing, with 54.6% of readers saying they would get one in the first year.

That number increased slightly from a WebMD poll which found that 42% said they would get the vaccine in the first 12 months.

  1. At FLASS, we see testing also improving. “Saliva tests are perhaps as good as nasal swabs, and they might even be better.”   A study from Yale actually proves this in number. So, we look forward to more information about this easier form of testing. 

Back to Our Usual Labor Day Concern for You

However, FLASS is not only worried about your Lung health this Labor Day.  As healthcare professionals, we are sending everyone a shout out about safe holiday driving.  Don’t become a statistic on our Florida roads and highways.


Key to Happy Labor Day Statistics:  Safe Driving

According to the American Property Casualty Insurance, “The 100 day stretch between Memorial Day and Labor Day is historically the most dangerous on roadways.”    


Traffic Tips for You, From The American Property Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA)

Labor Day 2020: Make It Accident Free.

Labor Day Traffic Alert:  Avoid Impatient or Angry Driving. Both Can Cause Serious Accidents.

The American Property Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA) has created a succinct list of tips for safe driving during this holiday. This is a time when 86 % of Americans will be doing some amount of automobile driving. Stay safe with their advice for surviving the last summer 3 day holiday.

  1. Don’t Mix Gas and Alcohol:  Never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  2. Driving Defensively.  It’s an old slogan, It’s Still a Good Idea. Additionally, look out for other drivers that may not be quite as responsible as you.
  3. Dial-Out Distractions: We caution you to avoid distracted driving.  Distracted Driving ignites accidents. So do not do anything that might take your eyes or mind off the road.
  4. If you are texting or using your phone, think about the simple loss of a fraction of a second’s attention. For example, if you drop an item on the floor, what is your instinct?  Try to train yourself to wait until you can safely stop your car before attempting to retrieve the fallen object.
  5. Buckle Up:  We still love the statement of a State Policeman who said he never unbuckled a dead body from a wreck during his 20 years on the job.
  6. Plan ahead and allow extra travel time.  Avoid becoming impatient. Driving  in a hurry can also cause accidents. Being a little late to a barbeque just across town is better than running over a kid on a bicycle. Or waking up in the hospital.
  7. Observe speed limits. They are not just suggestions.

The Final Take-Away for Labor Day 2020

Take Time on Labor Day 2020 for Family.

Labor Day is Fun with Friends and Family… Not to Mention Food.

Perhaps you need an excuse to relax and enjoy this 3 day weekend. “In an analysis of more than 600,000 American, European, and Australian workers, the science journal called, The Lancet, found that people who work more than 55 hours per week had a 33 percent increased higher risk of stroke than people who worked less than 40 hours a week.”

They also discovered, “People who work 40 hours or less every week also sleep better, pick fewer fights, and are generally more productive at work.”

So, Florida Lung, Asthma, and Sleep Specialist invites you to welcome the end of the summer with Labor Day 2020.  You might even want to have a hot dog. You see, the hot dog industry considers this the Hot Dog official celebration.  Just relax, this weekend—We highly recommend it for the good of your health!                        

FLASS leaves you with this thought:  You can still have fun but protect your health.