Kids and COVID-19 Vaccine have been making headlines since last fall.  5 Truths About Kids’ Vaccine for COVID-19 are included in this blog by the Florida Lung, Asthma, and Sleep Specialists.

Put together, these 5 truths create our FLASS Parents’ Guide to COVID-19 Vaccinations for Children. We’ve written it up for parents of kids, babies, toddlers, and children of all ages, beginning with 6-month-old babies in their cribs.


The FLASS Parents’ Guide to Kids and Covid-19 Vaccine

Kids and COVID-19: Together at Last.

Babies 6 Months and Older Are Excited About Qualifying For COVID-19 Vaccines.

We know bringing your baby to the doctor for any injection can be intimidating. And there is a lot of misinformation on the Internet to mislead and concern parents.

Thus, let’s check out our 5 truths about children’s vaccines for Covid-19.  Taken together, these 5 truths will lead you to Covid-19 vaccination for the entire family, age 6 months and older.


1.     Truth Number One about Kids and Covid-19 Vaccine:  Fear not the Safety Issue

Did you know that scientists subjected the Covid-19 vaccine to meticulous testing before the FDA would recommend it? Then came clinical trials. Finally, the  “U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determined COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective for everyone 6 months and older.”

The news came only last month that, “In a news release on June 18, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) said it “supports the [CDC’s] recommendation and encourages pediatricians to promote vaccination and give COVID-19 vaccines.” Furthermore, are you aware that scientists are constantly monitoring the vaccination and it “continues to be safe for children?”

Words to Remember:  “The known risks of COVID-19 and possible severe complications outweigh the potential risks of having a rare, adverse reaction to vaccination.”


2. Our Second Valuable Truth about Kids and the COVID-19 Vaccine:  It’s All About Protection

Kids and COVID-19 Vaccines Mean More Social Playtime For Children.

Kids Protected By COVID-19 Can Enjoy More Social Activities and Play Again.

FLASS doctors and staff recommend vaccinating your child, so they do not become grievously ill, even if they catch COVID-19.
It’s very tragic to see a child on a ventilator, critically ill. You see, there is simply no way to predict the level COVID-19 might strike in a child.
The purpose of the vaccination is to protect the child from severe effects of COVID 19 and hospitalization.

By the way, both healthy children and children with underlying medical issues can catch Covid-19. We urge you to remember that it is true that children with underlying health problems are more prone to get severely ill with COVID-19.

Thus, we should protect all the children who can tolerate the vaccine. However,  if your child has an underlying health condition, talk to your pediatrician or to us, about your concerns, and the little patient’s medical history.


3.  Thirdly in our Truths About Kids and the COVID-19 Vaccine:  Anticipate The Vaccination Side Effects in Children

Caution: If Your Child Has Underlying Health Problem, Check With Your Physician Before Your Child Has the COVID-19 Vaccination.

It is true that your child could exhibit side effects after receiving the COVID-19 vaccination. Your child might get a fever or headache.

Likewise, children sometimes complain of tiredness, muscle pain, dizziness as well as nausea. Plus, you might expect a little bit of soreness at the injection site.

  • Observe your child, but do not be overly anxious.
  • According to the CDC, “These side effects are mild, temporary and like those experienced after routine vaccines.
  • Likewise, side effects are more common after the second shot.
  • However, quite a few children have no side effects. (In the case of your child demonstrating no side effects, we have heard that in such cases, ice cream is a much-appreciated treatment.)


4. Number 4 of Our 5 Truths about Kids and the COVID-19 Vaccine:  Dosage Based on Age

It is true that we give children “a smaller dose of COVID-19 vaccine than teens and adults.” The CDC notes, “COVID-19 vaccine dosage is based on age on the day of vaccination, not on a child’s size or weight. This is also true for other routinely recommended vaccines, like hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccines.”


5. Our Fifth Truth:  The Vaccine Still Important, Even If a Child Already Had COVID-19

Scientists and the medical profession agree that the medical profession should still vaccinate children who have already survived COVID-19. This might seem mysterious.

We are not negating natural immunity. However, for the highest level of immunity, we continue to recommend vaccination, even if your child has endured COVID-19 previously. Simply observe these 2 little rules.

  • The CDC states, “For children who have been infected, their next dose can be delayed 3 months from when symptoms started or if they did not have symptoms when they received a positive test.”
  • In the case that “your child tests positive for COVID-19 after getting their first shot, they should wait until their isolation period has ended before getting their second shot.”


Terrific Take-Aways from Kids and COVID-19 Vaccine

The Baby Cannot Wear A Mask Until Age 2. But it won’t Be Long Until He is 6 Months Old. Then, He Can Take the COVID-19 Vaccine. 

The best part about the newest CDC ruling is that we can now give some protection to babies who are not yet old enough to wear masks. As you know, babies cannot wear masks until age 2. (Even then, some parents would agree, can be difficult.)  However, now we can give a special dose of COVID-19 vaccine to babies as young as 6 months.

Dr. Devika Bhushan, of the American Academy of Pediatrics, stated both professional and personal motivation for giving our young children the vaccine for COVID-19.  She stated that she believed the vaccines could “significantly and safely reduce the risk of serious harm from COVID-19 for our littlest ones…”

And she added, sincerely, “…That’s why I’m planning to get my son vaccinated as soon as possible, with either regimen that’s available.” She was referring to the safety and effectiveness of either the Pfizer or Moderna regimen of children’s vaccines.

She summarized, “These vaccines will help families breathe easier and be able to connect in-person again with greater protection.”

At FLASS, we agree. We couldn’t say it better ourselves, except to add that the COVID-19 vaccines save lives—at any age beginning with 6 months.

As always, we thank you for reading our blog about kids and the COVID-19 Vaccine. You can expect a Part II for The FLASS Parents’ Guide to COVID-19 Vaccinations very soon.