Holiday Asthma Triggers 2020 can leave you breathless, but not from the wonder of the season. If you have asthma, this time of year, it can bring a brand new set of asthma triggers to your lungs.

In this article, we will review a few of the most common winter and holiday asthma triggers. We’ve blogged on this topic for previous years, but we think a review is appropriate as the holiday season lights up Orlando.


But First-A Special COVID-19 Note: 

Don't Let the Holiday Asthma Triggers 2020 Get You.

Soon, We’ll Be Stepping Out to Fight the COVID-19 Virus with Powerful New Vaccines. Mask Up and Be Safe.

Here at FLASS, we know the world’s big focus is on the COVID-19 virus, as we vigorously applaud the world’s first vaccines in London.  However, we believe we should not exclude the other pulmonary diseases and issues unique to the season. 

We are preparing and will soon bringing you a special report on the coronavirus, as the USA escalates its COVID-19 distribution mission at quantum speed. 


Holiday Asthma Triggers 2020:  Creating A Breathless Winter Wonderland

Therefore, let’s review a few of the most common holiday asthma triggers. Family, fun, and food are all a part of the holiday. Unfortunately, asthma triggers can lurk in all three of these holiday wonders. It’s been true every year and continues to concern us for our patients every year at this time.

Are you aware that, even with social distancing and masks, nothing spoils a party in your bubble faster than an asthma attack—even on Zoom. In general Holiday travel, special meals, and even Yuletide decorations host asthma triggers.  And any of these triggers can ignite an asthma sufferer’s hard coughing, breathless wheezing, and chest pressure. We know these sudden asthma symptoms are familiar to all asthma patients.


Breathless in the Era of COVID-19:  Holiday Asthma Triggers 2020, Plus Traditional Triggers Too

Florida Lung, Asthma and Sleep Specialists warn you:  If FLASS has diagnosed you or someone you love with asthma, within your COVID-19 bubble, take a few extra special precautions:


1. Breathless Consequences of the Holiday Peanut Butter Asthma Trigger:  

Before you enjoy a holiday treat or gift, be sure you ascertain the holiday asthma triggers that might be in the ingredients. Peanut Butter is a common holiday trigger, often found in cookies.


2. You or Someone You Love Could Get Caught Breathless:
Holiday Asthma Triggers 2020 Present Special Challenges to Asthma Patients.

On Vacation: If You Have Asthma, Take Care in the Chill Air…Know Your Personal Holiday Asthma Triggers.

If you have asthma, you might someday have to say, “I’m breathless, but I didn’t eat it!” In such a case, you have very possibly been a victim of cross-contamination.

Cross-contamination can occur during preparing and serving any dish. Even if you don’t intend to eat an item you know gives you trouble, you can get sick.

For example, a family member could have moved a peanut butter knife to the regular butter. That causes cross-contamination.

Remember, it doesn’t take a large amount to trigger a reaction. This blogger even reacted to a husband’s Christmas kiss. I did not eat the peanut butter, he did.


5. Treatment Against Holiday Asthma Triggers 2020

B.Y.O.E. stands for “Bring your own epinephrine.” You might also bring some snacks or dine before the party. Anyone who has ever had or seen an asthma attack knows it’s much less embarrassing to be prepared than to be breathless with an attack.


Holiday Triggers That Could Leave You Breathless

Of all the possible triggers, you might never suspect that your pristine Christmas tree pine is causing you or your loved one shortness of breath. Shockingly, it can even be caused by an artificial one that has spent the last year stored in the basement or garage—How is that possible? Read on, Rudolf!


Holiday Tree Trigger Surprise:  Might Not Be The Tree, Might Be the Tree Mold  

Experts at the American Institute of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology say, “It’s unlikely that you are allergic to the tree itself, but the fragrance may be irritating. Some trees may also be home to microscopic mold spores that trigger asthma or allergies. This causes symptoms like sneezing or an itchy nose.”

Like the AIAAA, we recommend you display an artificial tree if a loved one has asthma. And be sure it’s clean of dust and mold before decorating it.  Also, be cautious with wreaths and garlands. Holiday decorations might also transform into asthma triggers due to the dust and mold that accumulates on them during months of storage


Sudden Holiday Surprise: Fido and Chewy Make You Sick

Winter Wonderland “Bugs” Include Pathogens, Flu, and Yes, Viruses Like COVID-19: All Part of the Holiday Asthma Season Triggers.

It’s shocking, but did you know you can become suddenly sensitized to your own pets after a few days away from them?  They can become one of the Holiday Asthma Triggers 2020.

Here’s the unique situation:  You tolerate the family dogs very well, in spite of your asthma. Then, after a trip across town to your cabin outside of town, you return home. Your puppies, however, stayed home. And as soon as you get home, it just feels like Fido or Chewy have transformed into asthma triggers.

You see, it’s quite common if an asthma patient leaves a pet for a few days, then returns. Then, the pet can provoke allergy or asthma symptoms. Asthma sufferers call this the “Thanksgiving Effect,” although any holiday can cause a new sensitivity to Chewie or Fido.


Top “No-No” Holiday Asthma Triggers 2020:  Tobacco and Smoke

Asthma victims can get breathless from the second, third, and even fourth Hand Smoke. Even delicate asthmatics like this blogger tend to underestimate the power of cigarette smoke. It is a huge trigger for many of us, and it can greatly pollute any unfamiliar environment.

As a choir student one year an attack almost wilted my angel wings. When I went to perform a charity concert in a party room at a church, we didn’t realize it had been a bingo hall back in the days when there were very few “non-smoking” rules.


How 2nd, 3rd and 4th Hand Tobacco Smoke Transforms into Holiday Asthma Triggers 2020

Did you know that cigarette and cigar smoke is oily? It can travel and linger, and make you breathless. It floats through fissures in walls between rooms. Smoke follows electrical line spaces and flows through ventilation systems. As if that is not enough, this powerful Holiday Asthma Trigger 2020 Can distill and cake into carpets. And it drifts into drapes where it hangs around for years. If you have asthma, the simple fact is you require a 2020 Holiday environment that is smoke-free.

Likewise, do not forget that other holiday scents like burning candles and flickering fireplaces can become holiday 2020 asthma triggers.


Breathless from the “Bugs” of Holiday Asthma Triggers 2020?

 Holiday Asthma Triggers 2020 Just Love the Cold Weather.

FLASS Says, “Holiday Asthma Triggers 2020 Can Mean a Quiet, Cozy, Stress-Free Night at Home Alone.”

Bugs in the air can infect and irritate the lungs until they trigger an asthma attack. No, we are not indicating insects, like the mosquitos, wasps, and biting flies of summer.

FLASS is accusing the microscopic bugs, like bacteria and viruses, of becoming asthma triggers. They attack the lungs and in the process of setting up a respiratory infection, they initiate asthma attacks.

This year especially, beware of the bites of microbes if you have asthma.  And yes, a so-called light case of COVID-19 stands guilty of triggering 2020 holiday asthma!


Be Blessed, not Stressed if you Get Breathless during This Season

FLASS wants to mention that if you have asthma, you need to be very wary of situations that cause stress–especially in this COVID-19 Holiday Season, we are seeing patients worry and stress even while they fight off the Holiday Asthma Triggers of 2020.


Details:  How Holiday Stress Triggers Your Asthma

“Be aware that stress can lead to asthma attacks. Chemicals released by the body during stressful times can cause the muscles around your airways to tighten, making it difficult to breathe.” Then, the biological pathways amplifies the immune response to asthma.

Triggers include the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, the sympathetic-adrenal-medullary (SAM) axis, and the sympathetic (SNS) and parasympathetic (PNS) arms of the autonomic nervous system.”

Our deepest diving readers might want to explore the microbiology and chemistry behind this major premise at this informative online resource.


What Can You Do about Holiday Asthma Triggers in the COVID-19 Era?

So, Holiday asthma triggers can create a vicious, breathless cycle. Ironically, sometimes the types of medication needed to control asthma also lead to anxiety and stress.

  1. Thus, the asthma patient feels stress and has an asthma attack.
  2. That occurrence, especially if complicated with seasonal respiratory pathogens, causes more stress, anxiety, and tension. Then the medication triggers more anxiety and the entire cycle begins again.
  3. Focusing on breathing and discovering effective ways to manage stress are the only ways to break the cycle.

Wishing You Safety and Self-Care

FLASS Wishes You a Time for Blessing Instead of Stressing As You Hide From Holiday Asthma Triggers.

Here at FLASS, the doctors and healthcare professionals love the holiday season: Although the season is hectic, we must take a quiet moment to wish you the best as we approach our favorite festivals.

Let us take this opportunity to wish you a Blessed Christmas, a shining Chanukah, and a fabulous Kwanza.

In spite of the holiday asthma triggers 2020, the healthcare providers and staff of FLASS celebrate the beauty of this season of peace and goodwill with our daily smiles and open hearts.  Be Safe. Breathe.