Healthy Lungs are not often discussed in our FLASS blog. More typically, we talk about disease, treatments, and symptoms.
Later in this blog, we will give you 4 tips for healthy lungs, as summer officially begins with a Happy Memorial Day 2023 greeting.
A Salute to Memorial Day 2023

Part of Memorial Day is Commemorated With Family, Food, and Fun.
Celebrating Memorial Day means many things to Americans. FLASS would feel remiss if we did not send a military salute for this great American Holiday.
The doctors and staff send you good wishes during this bittersweet time. It is bittersweet because the government created this holiday as a time to honor our fallen military dead.
You will see wreaths and flags in every cemetery. In fact, we originally created it to recognize military sacrifice and give family members time to decorate the graves of fallen soldiers.
The sweetness of the holiday has evolved as the three-day weekend introduction to summer. Millions of Americans will be celebrating the beginning of summer with mini-vacations, picnics, barbeques, fishing, swimming, and boating.
It is a time for family, friends, and sunshine. However, it is also a time to think of the fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters who made the ultimate sacrifice of their lives in the line of duty.
Focus on Healthy Lungs: Our FLASS Memorial Day Gift – 4 Tips to Keep Lungs Healthy
As we turn out attention to healthy outdoor activities, people must “consider the value of protecting and maintaining the health of their lungs.”
We know this time of year we focus on getting healthy. Walking and biking thrive in the warmth of the summer sun. You know such activities are healthy for your heart.
As a culture, we are extremely focused on heart health. However, how often do you focus on the importance of your lungs in relation to your overall health?
For our Memorial Day gift to our patients, friends, families, and blog readers, we present some tips to keep your lungs healthy for Memorial Day, the summer season, and beyond.
Healthy Lungs and the Holiday
Many people ignore the health of their lungs. “The truth is that your lungs, like your heart, joints, and other body parts, age with time.”
Be aware, “They can become less flexible and lose their strength, which can make it more difficult to breathe.” For additional information check with this trusted source, Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Thus, lungs need attention, and we hereby present the top 4 ways you can nurture healthy lungs as you enjoy your Memorial Day activities.
Number One Tip For Healthy Lungs

Lung Disease is Best Treated When Caught Early, Even Before Symptoms Can Be Felt.
This one is an easy decision: do not smoke. “Cigarette smoking is the major cause of lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema.”
But do you know why it is so toxic to the lungs? “Cigarette smoke can narrow the air passages and make breathing more difficult.”
Everything You Do to Lungs Brings Consequences
Smoking causes several miserable conditions, detrimental to healthy lungs. Below are 5 reasons you should stop smoking.
1. You could experience chronic inflammation,
2. or swelling in the lung,
3. This leads to chronic bronchitis.
4. Worst of all, “over time cigarette smoke destroys lung tissue and may trigger changes that grow into cancer.
5. When you feel ready to regain healthy lungs, FLASS can help you quit smoking.
Avoiding Outdoor Air Pollutions: Our Second Tip for Healthy Lungs
As summer progresses and you spend more time outdoors, you need to be aware of the quality of outdoor air. Like the weather, it varies from day to day. Therefore, we recommend some ways to protect your lungs from pollution.
- Please do not exercise outdoors on bad air days.
- If you can, “avoid exercising near high-traffic areas.” Find a park, a lake, or a quiet neighborhood.
- Did you know you could go to and discover the daily air conditions in your locale? It’s just a little thing you can do to maintain your healthy lungs.
- We know cleaning up the yard is an important summer activity. However, we discourage burning wood or trash. It fills the air with pollution and hurts your delicate lung tissues.
Get Regular Check-ups: Our Third Hot Tip for Healthy Lungs

Exercise Improves Lung Function and May Lengthen Your Life.
Even if you are feeling pretty well, regular check-ups will help your lungs stay healthy. Lung disease can hide and remain undetected until it becomes serious.
Likewise, early detection is key to fighting lung diseases.
Exercise for Healthy Lungs: Number 4 of our Memorial Day Tips for Healthy Lungs
This weekend will bring out crowds of summer celebrants. Memorial Day will lure even the most sedentary people to walk, dance or swim.
However, when the holiday is over, remember how much healthy lungs love an active life. Experts say, “Whether you are young or old, slender or large, able-bodied or living with a chronic illness or disability, being physically active can help keep your lungs healthy.”
Terrific Take-Aways for Healthy Lungs
We advise you to incorporate our four Memorial Day tips for healthy lungs, every day, not just on a big holiday. Try to weave these four habits into each day: “Stop smoking, exercise regularly, reduce exposure to pollutants, avoid infections…” The activity and energy you use for your Memorial Day activities, used daily, can help you keep healthy lungs until the next Memorial Day.
Additionally, we know summer brings asthma triggers that we must avoid. So, we invite you to read our previous blog on protecting your lungs from those dangerous triggers.
Healthy Lungs Love to Breathe
And we have one more overlapping suggestion: Breathe. Breathe deeply from your diaphragm. Do not breathe shallowly in your chest. Breathe hard and slow.
FLASS wants you to remember the value of deep, hard breathing. Tie some deep breathing to an activity you always do. For example, take a deep breathing break when you take your coffee break.
Likewise, breathe deeply when you walk out your door to collect your morning mail. Take deeper, stronger breaths while you sweep the floor or mow the grass.
Exercise your lungs as well as your legs when you stride down the street or up the grocery store aisle.
In conclusion, the healthiest thing you can do for your lungs is focus on your breathing. Don’t forget that healthy lungs thrive on air.
Honor and Remember

FLASS Wishes You a Memorial Day of Fond Remembrance and Heart-Felt Moments.
And this Memorial Day 2023, you might take a moment to place a flower on a soldier’s grave and breathe a prayer.
Or remember the words of an unknown writer
“Our flag does not fly
because the wind moves it.
It flies with the last breath of each soldier
who died protecting it.”