Flu Surge Alert from FLASS! Flu Surge is usually an unpleasant fact after holiday get-togethers at this time of year.
Now, in 2024, the usual flu surge still drags on deep into January and February. Almost probably everyone reading this blog knows a friend or family member who is missing work, school, or fun, due to the flu.
Flu Shots Down Means Flu Incidents Up: Flu Surge Alert

Flu Surge Alert: The Epidemic Has Reportedly Killed 40 Children in the 2023-2024 Flu Season.
Sadly, the CDC just released the news that 40 pediatric deaths have occurred due to the flu. This means that 40 children between the ages of 5-15 have died of the flu since October of 2023. CBS News latest headlines -CBS News
This is one of the most alarming statistics we have seen this year concerning the flu surge alert. But why has it happened?
Part of the answer is that many people have ignored the number one flu protection available: The Common Flu Shot.
FLASS knows many of you have experienced vaccination fatigue from the Covid vaccinations. However, FLASS hopes you will not ignore the flu shot. It is a time-honored medication to prevent hospitalization and death from overtaking you in the time of a Flu Surge.
Florida Lung, Asthma, and Sleep Specialists (FLASS) Issue Flu Surge Alert
FLASS stresses that it is not too late to get your flu vaccination. If you look at the crowded waiting rooms of clinics and ER Rooms, you know you need the flu shot.
Despite numerous warnings from healthcare providers about the flu surge, only 46.6 percent of adults and 43.9 percent of our children have taken their flu shots this season. CBS News latest headlines -CBS News
Please understand that this is a 5-year low for flu shots. It explains why the World Health Organization states the flu is so prevalent at this time.
An Urgent Way to Diminish the Flu Surge
Additionally, we know that some people think it is too late for the flu shot to work. But it is not too late! You can still avoid the flu or diminish its effects if you take your vaccination now.
Families stay healthy when they heed this alert. Additionally, send friends and help communities stay healthy.
At FLASS, the doctors and healthcare staff would love to establish the flu-shot trend so our Central Florida communities would flourish against this Flu Surge.
Flu Surge Alert: How to Fight the Surge

Flu Shots Protect You and Your Family Despite the Flu Surge of 2024.
Fight back. Every Flu Season, FLASS stresses the importance of injections to ward off hospitalization.
We are not scolding you for overlooking this healthcare option and we do not mean to make you feel alarmed or guilty. We just want you to know that this season has turned into a serious flu season.
Now, we repeat that it’s not too late to fight the Flu Surge by getting your flu shot. If you can’t think about the effect on your family, friends, or community, think about the pressure on healthcare systems generated by these low vaccination statistics.
When everyone gets sick, the ER rooms, hospitals, and clinics are overwhelmed. And remember, health professionals also care for patients with RSV, Covid, and other respiratory diseases.
Here at FLASS, we are not the only ones concerned with the flu surge. The World Health Organization stated, “Low vaccination rates against the latest versions of COVID-19 and influenza are putting pressure on healthcare systems this winter, leading to rising hospitalizations linked to respiratory infections in several countries.”
A Global Concern in 2024: Flu Surge Alert Worldwide
The flu surge is not a problem just in the US. “Several countries are involved. In Italy, hospitals are being overwhelmed by an increase in admissions of people suffering from influenza-like diseases 2.” WHO Sees ‘Incredibly Low’ COVID, Flu Vaccination Rates as Cases Surge (usnews.com)
It’s A Surging Tripple-demic.
As we mentioned, Covid continues to play a part in the surging drama. According to the CDC, “Only 19.4% of U.S. adults have received this season’s COVID vaccine despite a recommendation that all adults get an updated shot to protect against serious illness 1.
Fast Factual Food For Thought
We did not issue this flu surge alert lightly. There are some convincing statistics concerning the 2024 respiratory illness surge. We hope bringing these stats to your attention will help convince you to update your vaccinations for flu, RSV, and COVID-19.
- Flu represented 5.2% of U.S. emergency visits compared with 3% for COVID in the week ended Dec. 30.
- Yet COVID accounted for 10.5 out of 100,000 hospitalizations in that time.
- Compare that number with 6.2 per 100,000 who required hospitalization for flu.
Although in parts of the world, Covid outpaces the flu, it is the flu that is currently surging in the US. However, we do not like any of these statistics, so we encourage you to take your flu shots.
Hospitalizations are preventable. WHO Sees ‘Incredibly Low’ COVID, Flu Vaccination Rates as Cases Surge (usnews.com)
A Good Match for the Flu Surge: This Season’s Flu Vaccine
Surprisingly, one of the only good points in this flu surge is that our season’s flu shots are well matched to the strains of flu we are fighting, both type A and type B. We still can not guarantee you won’t catch the flu, However, chances are, you won’t end up in the hospital with it if you get your vaccination commonly known as a flu shot.
Flu Surge Alert: We Are Fighting Off Vaccination Fatigue

Fear Not the Shot! Join the FLASS Fight Against Vaccination Fatigue! Get Your Flu Shot– It’s Not Too Late!
We know that you are tired of vaccinations for illnesses. Technically, we call this vaccine fatigue. Our Covid 19 Epidemic made all of us weary, and wary of needles.
However, we are sure you will agree that it’s much nicer to recover at home from a light case of flu than to endure a hospital stay from a complex case of the flu with complications.
Therefore, we highly recommend you fight off that vaccination fatigue and see us or your neighborhood pharmacist for the flu shot. Remember, the flu shot is an old and trusted friend.
The Tried-and-True Flu-Shot: Ammunition Against the Surge
Let’s look at a little history if you are still worried about getting your flu shot.
- According to the online research magazine, Science Direct, and the CDC, “A 2021 study showed that among adults, flu vaccination was associated with a 26% lower risk of ICU admission…
- Likewise, they discovered that those who took the flu shot had a 31% lower risk of death from flu compared with those who were unvaccinated.”
- Additionally, “A 2017 study showed that flu vaccination reduced deaths, intensive care unit (ICU) admissions, ICU length of stay, and overall duration of hospitalization among hospitalized adults with flu.”
One Final Note in our FLASS Flu Surge Alert

Hospitals Are Not Fun… Get Your Flu Shot And Avoid Medical Facilities.
Finally, we would be remiss if we did not state that vaccinations are your best ammunition against all three respiratory killer illnesses haunting your environment right now.
Take aim against the flu surge, the lingering RSV surge, and the ever-present Covid variant. Use strong preventative medicine: vaccines.