Flu Shot Blues is a brand new term we have just coined for the sadness of doctors and health care workers feel when they encounter resistance to taking the flu vaccine.  We recently uncovered a research study which stated that 26 percent of parents are reluctant to get the flu shots for their children.  To put it mildly, doctors, healthcare professionals, and staff are distressed to hear this.


Please Cure our Flu Shot Blues

Avoid the Flu Shot Blues. Get Your Flu Shot Right Away.

Avoid This Scenario During Flu Season 20-21! Get Your Flu Shot.

As healthcare professionals, we know the statistics, science, and the math behind the development of the flu vaccines.  They are our number one defense against the flu.  We also know that there has never been a more important year to take the flu shot.

Many of us are bracing for a coming “Twindemic,” as the flu season combines with the remaining threat of COVID-19.  We are equally blue over the fact that parents seem to single out flu shot vaccines as being especially distasteful.

Additionally, we found out that “only 6 percent of the parents involved in the study were “hesitant about the vaccinations given to children during their first few years of life.”

Change this statistic by seeing that everyone who qualifies gets a flu shot. This is the only way to relieve the flu shot blues of our 2020 healthcare workers.


Flu Shot Blues and Facing Flu Facts

We thought if we shared recent flu-facts we could encourage people to get their flu shots. Then we could relieve anxiety for their health care needs. We appeal especially to parents.

  • The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (our CDC) has stated, “There were an estimated 24,000-62,000 flu deaths for the 2019-20”
  • The CDC also estimated that 39-56 million flu illnesses occurred.
  • Likewise, “they reported 18-26 million medical flu visits..” to healthcare professionals.
  • And the CDC stated that there were “410,000-740,000 flu hospitalizations. By the way, “April 4 was the last week of in-season reporting for flu data for 2019—2020 flu season.” They will list the upcoming season as the 2020—2021 flu season.

Flu Shot Blues and Some Realities

Flu Shot Blues Mean Hospital Treatment Will Be High, Even as We Fight COVID-19.

Now, we are well aware that your flu shot will not always prevent you from catching the flu. However, we also know that having the flu vaccine in your system will often lessen the severity of your illness, should you get the flu. Likewise, your shot could also be protecting at-risk grandparents and other family members who are in the high-risk category?

The Journal of Pediatrics authored and published a recent study. The research solicited responses from 2,000 parents who had children between the ages of 6 months and 18 years.

Dr. Allison Kempe, MPH, MSPH is a professor of pediatrics-general pediatrics at the University of Colorado’s School of Medicine. He is also a pediatrician at Children’s Hospital Colorado and the study’s lead author. He addressed the issue thus: “We were very surprised by the level of hesitancy for influenza vaccine…” She also stated, “The perceptions about the effectiveness of childhood vaccines and influenza vaccines were completely different…” And she added, “Seventy percent strongly agreed that routine childhood vaccines are effective.”  Then, she explained that only a quarter of parents in the group strongly agreed that influenza vaccines are effective.” This meant that “those results were pretty surprising to us.”


The Hesitation Nation:  Reasons for Parents Hesitancy about Flu Shots

We deduced from the study that many parents just don’t realize how protective the flu shots can be.  What really gave us the flu shot blues were several more disheartening factors in the research:

1.    If there were a number of children in the household, parents were less inclined to get shots for their children.

2.    If the couple were not married, they were more hesitant about flu shots for the children.

3.    Some people’s personal experience also gives us the flu shot blues. Dr. Jean Siri Moorjani is a pediatrician at Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children in Orlando, Florida.  She revealed that some people say, “Well, I’ve gotten the flu shot before and I got sick.” (See below comments about case severity.)

Protect Your Family From COVID-19 with Masks… Protect Them From the Flu with Flu Shots.

4.    Like everything else in 2020, social media has influenced some people.  Dr. Moorjani added, “Maybe they’ve seen posts on social media that say the vaccine is a bad idea.” (Please do not believe everything on social media.)

Speaking as a primary pediatric care specialist he also stated, “I always try to figure out where families are at and if I can provide them with information and reassurance.”  Like the health care providers here at FLASS, he stated, “I try to dispel those myths because I really want patients and their families to make the best decision with the correct information.”


More Reasons for Flu Shot Blues

FLASS also notes that there are at least two other special reasons that people are hesitant to get the flu shot.  On the one hand, they are simply too busy resuming work and school.  And on the other hand, some people are still very afraid to approach any clinical setting. This includes doctor’s offices, clinics or pharmacies because of the threat of COVID-19.

Now, we know flu shots are not always as effective as we wish they were. And that’s because there are many, many different strains of the flu.  And the shots have to be ready in advance of the flu season each year. That influences how effective the shot can be.

However, FLASS healthcare providers repeat, the flu shot is still your first and finest protection from the flu. Thus, we go on record as believing in the efficacy of this preventative. Please get your flu shots. And please see to it your children get their flu shots. Last flu season cost us over 170 children’s lives.


One Last Point about our Flu Shot Blues

Flu Shot Blues: Your Doctor's Reaction If You Haven't Taken Your Flu Shot.

Don’t Make Your Doctor Blue. Get Vaccinated Against the Flu!

No, flu shots are not going to help you against COVID-19. We are not saying that.  However, they will help you keep you out of the hospital scene when the flu is raging across your community, and colliding with COVID-19 victims.  Even if you catch the flu, aren’t a few days home on the couch better than a hospitalization situation?

So, FLASS concludes with a little poem:  don’t make us blue with worry for you. Get the vaccine against the flu.  We will feel better for it, and so will you!