The Flu Crisis is on its way.  Have you noticed a lot of friends and neighbors around you getting sick?  The flu diagnosis has soared to seven million Americans since the start of the flu season.

Use the first line of defense to fight the flu crisis

The influenza overtakes the very young and the very old. Protect them with the flu vaccine.

Approximately half of those affected sought medical attention.  And they estimated that 69 to 84,000 of the remaining half were hospitalized with the Flu Virus.

FLASS Reports on a Coming Flu Crisis, Part 2

You may recall that in our last issue, Our FLASS Blog presented some prevention Resolutions.  The resolutions included common methods of contracting viruses, as well as prevention.

The suggestions included such things as disinfecting your hands, touch screens, desks, and special attention to toothbrushes and another home/office items.  Those resolutions also included “high risk” groups and medications to both prevent and treat flu victims.

Updating Our Epidemic Flu Season

Today, FLASS presents an update or part 2 to the Flu Crisis of 2018 – 2019.  And it is obvious as we update statistics that it is becoming more serious.

CDC:  13 Children dead from Flu So Far This Season

Flu Crisis Threatens Our Children and Older Adults

Our Children Are Very Precious: Protect Them From Influenza

According to the CDC, the number of children that became victims of the flu totaled in the “double digits.”  For the 2nd week of January, the number of deaths reached 13.

The Flu Crisis seems even more horrible when children are involved.  One of the 13 mothers, Crystal White Shield of Montana said, “She was a beautiful little girl.  We were blessed with her life and we miss her dearly.”

Allison Eagle Speaker, 6, a Native American and a Montana native, died Dec. 1 of flu.

The CDC Said the Situation is Getting Worse.

“Across the country, 19 states are showing high levels of flu activity compared with nine states last week. 13 children have died from the flu this season.

Did You Know H1N1 Is the Same As Swine Flu?

America became well acquainted with the virus called Swine Flu in 2009.  And yes, it is actually the same as the H1N1 virus that is included in preventative shots each year.

It has been said that H1N1 is the politically correct name for Swine Flu.  It originated in pigs.  But it is spread primarily person to person.

Healthline describes this variety and type of flu.  Like other strains of the flu, this year’s H1N1 is highly contagious, allowing it to spread quickly from person to person.

A simple sneeze can cause the virus to spread through the air. And it can linger on tables and surface areas like doorknobs, waiting to be picked up.

H1N1 is the most common type of flu virus and it has been around a number of years.  If it sounds familiar to you, you might recall the World Health Organization declared it a pandemic.

No Flu Crisis in Florida–Yet

According to the Florida Flu Review, in week 2, activity actually decreased statewide.  It is currently level with rates seen in past seasons.

Three new outbreaks were reported. One of these was proven with “laboratory evidence of influenza and two with influenza type infections.”

Eight counties reported mild flu activity for week two.  A spokesperson from Florida Flu Review added, “No new influenza-associated pediatric deaths” were currently reported in our state.

Once again, FLASS joins the Florida Department of Health in emphasizing that it is not too late to get your flu shots.  As previously stated, “Influenza vaccines are safe.  And they are the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones from influenza and its potentially severe complications.”

Breaking News– We Interrupt this Flu Crisis Report for an Important Announcement

A FLASS, Headline:  New Hope for Emphysema Patients:  Endobronchial Valve Replacement

Breathing: the difference between life and death.

Medicine and the Right Equipment Can Make All the Difference

Imagine if a doctor could ease the breathing of for patients with severe emphysema.  And imagine doing it through a non-invasive endoscopic procedure.

This is no longer science fiction.  In June of 2018, the FDA approved the placement of Endobronchial Valves.  And you will be hearing a lot about it, especially if someone you love is suffering from emphysema.

Endobronchial Valve Placement: Good News for Emphysema Patients

This procedure has given great relief to patients who are consistently experiencing breathlessness in spite of medication.  Medicines can only go so far.  But, the promising procedure of endobronchial valve replacement can go a giant step further.  Yet, it is only minimally invasive surgery.  Thus, providing relief of patients and their families,

The Zephyr Valve:  A Proven Endobronchial Valve from the LIBERATE Study


Gerard Criner, MD, FACP, FACCP, is the Chair, and Professor of Thoracic Medicine and Surgery, Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University.  He is also lead investigator for the LIBERATE Study.  Dr. Criner recently stated, “I have seen Zephyr Valve-treated patients getting back to a more active life doing the things they enjoy.”

He also added, “As a physician, it is very gratifying to have a new treatment that can restore a patient’s confidence and change their life for the long term.”

Here at FLASS, we are excited to share the story of this procedure for treating severe emphysema.

Introduction:  What is An Endobronchial Valve?

To put it simply, the Zephyr device is a small one-way valve.  The surgeon implants it in a patient’s an airway by using a long flexible catheter through a bronchoscope.  The FDA stated that the Zephyr valve “represents a breakthrough technology as the device offers bronchoscopic lung volume reduction.”  In next week’s blog, we will be telling you more about the meaning behind this comment.

We, at FLASS, are very excited about the procedure of endobronchial valve placement.  The traditional, alternative treatment to this valve has always involved a major incision into the chest, the cutting away of affected lung tissue, and all the general risks associated with major surgery.

The Endobronchial Valve:  A Whole New Approach to the Problems of Severe Emphysema

“Zephyr Valves are a major step forward in treating severe emphysema patients who consistently feel short of breath despite all the medications we can offer.”

Health and Happiness Go Hand in Hand.

Health is a Crucial Part of Happiness and Family Fun

By the way, as we have previously reported, more than 15 million Americans suffer from COPD.  And 3.5 million of those patients have emphysema.

In our next blog, find out exactly how the endobronchial valve placement is helping patients to breathe.  We will be bringing you more information about how the exciting procedure of Zephyr endobronchial valve placement.  It can empower you or your loved one to resume some of the activities of a normal lifestyle.