FLASS Flu Warnings do not usually occur until a little later in the flu season. However, now FLASS (the Florida Lung, Asthma and Sleep Specialists) know that the CDC is predicting the flu will arrive early and linger severely in the 2022-23 season. Our neighboring state of Georgia already has infections that are high and heavy. Likewise, the states of Tennessee, South Carolina and Texas are in the high infection zone.
Our Special Warning: Run, Don’t Walk to Get Your Flu Shot

FLASS FLU Warning: It’s not too late to vaccinate!
In our previous blog, we brought you critical information about the flu vaccines for those 65 and over. In this article of specific FLASSS flu warnings, we want to impress the importance of flu shots for anyone 6 months and older.
You still have time to protect yourself from ugly complications such as severe illness and hospitalization. Currently, according to the CDC, “Flu activity is highest and increasing the most in the southeast and south-central parts of the United States.”
Warnings from the Latest CDC Report

Just a little sting might keep your child out of ER or hospitalization as flu intensifies.
Let’s look at 3 important facts that distinguish this as a particularly scary flu season. It’s early, and it’s severe.
1. Experts are saying,” This increased activity could signal an early start to flu season.” They add that “Most of the time flu activity peaks between December and February, although significant activity can last as late as May.”
2. As mentioned above, the flu has already become red alert serious in our neighboring state of Georgia. Likewise, numbers are rising in Tennessee, South Carolina and Texas. And the best protection from rising numbers is the flu shot.
3. Most of the flu infections are from H3N2, which we warn you is one of the meanest flu strains. And yes, to put it plainly, the vaccine makers got this one right. The vaccine protects against H3N2. You might still get H3N2, but your suffering will be much shorter if you are vaccinated. And it’s unlikely you will have to stay in the hospital.
FLASS Flu Warnings for Children

A child’s kiss goodnight is so much better without flu. Protect your kisses with your flu shots.
4. The latest CDC report states that “Other respiratory viruses are circulating at elevated levels in the United States at this time. Warnings also alert families to the fact that, unlike Coronavirus, children are especially vulnerable to the flu.
Beware of Coughs, Body-aches, and Fever
5. The CDC has taken pains to remind us that, as a culture, we have had to tolerate very little flu for the past two seasons. This has encouraged people to forego their flu shots. Therefore we have a population with reduced flu immunity. And we are especially concerned for young children.
6. This means “young children who may never have had flu exposure or been vaccinated, could bring about a robust return of flu.” FLASS joins the CDC in concern “about drops in flu vaccine coverage in the past two years among higher risk groups, including children and pregnant people.”
The doctors and staff at FLASS do not want to give you undue anxiety, but we will give you a frightening fact. Remember that during most years, 80 percent of the children who die of pediatric flu have not been vaccinated.
Why FLASS Flu Warnings Come Early This Year

Everyone over the age of 6 months should have their flu shots.
According to experts, predicting a flu season can be very tricky. “It’s always dangerous trying to predict flu,” William Schaffner, MD,…” He is a professor of medicine in the division of infectious diseases at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, recently interviewed by Very Well Health, he said, “Our crystal balls are always cloudy, because flu is so variable. I actually like to say, flu is very fickle.”
FLASS Flu Warnings from Down Under
So, why are we issuing flu warnings early in the season? Research shows us our season often mirrors the one endured by the other side of the world. Thus, Australia gives us a prediction that this season will be a tough one. Australia recently “ reported more than 200,000 laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza in 2022…”
· Likewise, they reported 1,763 hospital admissions.
· Sadly, they let us know that 295 people died during their flu season.
In contrast, for the last 5 years Australia has only endured 141,635 cases of the flu annually. Thus, you can see why this year’s 200,000 cases have alerted scientists and doctors to prepare the US for an early—and rough–flu season.
Seeing these facts energized the doctors and staff of FLASS to send our FLASS flu warnings early and alert you and your families to get vaccinated by the end of October.
FLASS flu Warnings: How High is Your Risk?
Each season we print a list of high-risk groups who will discover that Vaccination is especially important for mitigating the symptoms of flu. Once again, be sure to get that flu shot if you are in these groups:
- Pregnant women
- Older adults–If you are over 65, please click now to visit our previous blog on this site.
- Young children–Especially this year, we are concerned with the youngest and most vulnerable of us all
- People with weakened immune systems
Warnings for Children who are First-timers for the Shot

These Trick-or-Treaters remind you to get your flu vaccination before Halloween!
Be aware that Children from 6 months to 8 years may need two doses of the flu vaccine. Your child in this age group needs these shots at least 4 weeks apart. But this is true only for the first time they get the vaccine. Then they can rely on annual single doses. Check with your doctor on this issue.
The FLASS flu warnings include previous studies that prove the vaccine “significantly reduces a child’s risk of dying of the flu.”
Annual FLASS Flu Warning for Those With Chronic Disease
Remember that if you have a chronic medical condition of any kind, you are in the high risk group. Thus, if you have heart disease, cancer, COPD, Diabetes or other conditions, you are in the high risk group.
Let’s make Florida Flu-free. Please, heed the FLASS Flu Warnings. The flu protection takes two weeks to kick in after the vaccination. Thus, before October ends, we urge you to get the flu-shot for yourself, your family and the community.