FLASS Alert:  COVID-19 is on the rise in Florida.  Once again the doctors and staff must warn Floridians that the coronavirus is not a myth or a political hoax.

COVID-19 is a highly contagious disease. Florida hospitals are filling up again. This is not only because of the new coronavirus cases, but also a backlog of elective surgeries and other medical problems neglected during the shut-down.

FLASS Alert:  Masks, Social Distancing, Hand-washing

FLASS Alert Means We Can Be Better.

One Person in This Group Needs a FLASS Alert: Beware COVID-19.

We know you are tired of hearing the above regulations. We at FLASS, as Medical workers are well aware of the denial many residents are exhibiting. Please read on. The information in this blog could save someone’s life, even your own.

Big Questions about the Coronavirus Infections: Real Danger Still Lurks

So who gets the blame for our bad statistics as the COVID-19 case numbers, hospitalizations and deaths continue to rise? Are Floridians doing this to themselves by overwhelmingly ignoring proper safety and health protocols?

Our Special Alert:  From Doctors and Staff of FLASS

This blog is to set a few facts straight and add our voices to others who are getting increasingly alarmed about the danger of COVID-19 as we have reopened our state and our great cities.  We have had 5,000 cases two days in a row this week, and it was not all, just because we had more tests.  Maybe it was because we have gotten lazy about wearing our masks or social distancing.

How to Wear a Mask:  FLASS Laws on the Mask Issue

Whether you buy or make your mask, it, it is critical that you know certain rules. They might

Is Research Showing the "Light at the End of the Tunnel? Read More About Mysteries of COVID-19.

If people do their part individually, healthcare workers can focus more on  research on vaccines and cures.

seem like something you could just gloss over, but please pay attention to the details of mask-wearing. We have decided to call them the FLASS Laws of Masking.  And, yes, we have condensed them from several pages of CDC information. The Laws are short and simple to remember.  You knew them automatically at first—but maybe you need a refresher.

1.   First and Foremost:

Please wash your hands for 20 seconds before you put on or take off your mask. This makes certain the coronavirus that might be on your hands is dead. It’s amazing! You can kill the virus with 20 sec. of scrubbing with soap and water.

2.   Second Little FLASS Law:

Please don’t just toss it on your face. Fit your mask carefully, like a life-saving device. Squeeze the nose area or metal to a good fit over the bridge of the nose. Shape the chin close to your skin. Smooth out the gaps. Tighten the ear loops.

This FLASS Alert Points Out the Need of Proper Masks.

How Flass Talks to the Coronavirus: Only Wearing a Mask.

3.   Third FLASS Mask Law:

Throw away a paper mask, or wash a re-usable cloth mask for Every Use. This might seem excessive, but do you really want to take the chance of re-wearing an infected mask?

4.   Fourth FLASS Mask Law:

Store your mask safely. Put it in a cupboard or closet where it will be too warm and dry for the virus to continue living.

5.   And finally, The Fifth Flass Law:

Do not just throw your mask on the nearest, possibly infected counter top.  And don’t just stash it in your purse or pocket with other possibly infected objects like money.

If you are going to take the time and effort to use your mask, we hope you will remember to use it mindfully, for yourself and your children, friends, co-workers and community.

FLASS Alert:  How to Beat the Coronavirus

We know how to stay safe. Masks  Hand washing. Social Distancing.  Only 5 days ago, Governor DeSantis wrote an executive order against going into any place of business in the state without a face covering or mask.

As of yet our governor has not mandated a required face mask for everyone, everywhere, but he has recommended it and suggested it strongly.We see the suggestion being pretty much ignored.

A Meaningful Measurement of the Power of Masks

According to CNN, June 25th, 21 states have mandated the wearing of masks.  Plus CNN also announced recent research that we could save over 30,000 lives by October, just by wearing our face coverings.

  • Their computer model gave some grim numbers.  If we keep on like we are, neglecting to wear masks, we could have 57,000 more dead by October.
  • However, we could reduce that number to 24,000 if only 95 percent of us wore our masks.

Just Look at One Day:  June 24th, 2020

Pulmonary Specialist Advises: We Know Lungs. Please Pause, Breathe and Just Listen to us.

Floridians have been more than bending face-covering recommendations. Many are just not doing it. And we have seen that many restaurants, clubs and bars have all but abandoned the social distancing orders, with people piling into party down. The facts and statistics speak for themselves:

For two days in a row, June 24th, and June 25th, the Florida Department of Health announced over 5,000 new positive COVID-19 cases. (Folks, take it from inside the medical community where we see the patients– that is not just the result of more testing. And that is not manipulation of statistics.  Look around. Check on friends and family.  People are still getting sick. Perhaps they are young and they show only minor symptoms. Likewise, they might be self-quarantining at home instead of the hospital. But they are getting sick.

Recent Mask History and an Appeal

  •      46 Florida residents suffered deaths related to COVID-19, just on Jun 23rd. That would not be happening if our communities were responding with safe behaviors.
  • How many happy young party-goers are taking COVID-19 home to grandmothers, uncles and cousins?
  •       A Florida Lung, Asthma and Sleep Specialists’ Appeal:  If you won’t stay safe for yourself, won’t you consider doing it for your community? And for your co-workers and healthcare workers?  You see, we on the staff here at FLASS are still on high alert.
  •       Yet, when we drive to and from work, we see lots of unmasked people walking around, just like our doctor did way back in March in a FLASS Facebook posting.
  • The doctor said, “I’m a pulmonary and critical care doctor practicing here in Poinciana and also in Celebration. When “I drive back and forth between home and the hospitals, I can see from the level of traffic and the size of crowds at stores and other businesses that most people don’t understand how big a deal the COVID19 pandemic is. And they don’t seem to realize how many people already are sick with the virus right here in Poinciana.”

FLASS Alert and SPECIAL REPORT:  Be Aware of the Way the Virus Infects, Grows and then Blooms

We thought that March warnings were old news, but then we also assumed people would follow the rules as we opened businesses again.  And it does not matter if you are at a restaurant, concert, protest, rally or riot. Whatever you are doing, the disease is there with you and your group.

Words from the Not-So-Distant Past

Conquering Coronavirus Depends on You… You Know How to Make a Difference.

Ironically, what our doctor said in March, is even more important now:  “Unfortunately the majority of the people who already have COVID-19 are those who are enjoying their time socializing, shopping, and working in many local businesses. Many will become our patients in the next two weeks.”

So, if people continue to mis-behave without masks, social distancing or proper washing of hands and surfaces, what will happen?

Back in March, Our Very Own FLASS Doctor Gave us a Strong Warning

He stated on our Facebook page, “We expect things to get much worse before they get better. All of the hospitals serving this area are working hard to expand their capacity in ER’s, inpatient medical beds, intensive care units, and even creating more morgue space for those who won’t survive.”  Our question is, “Can all this happen again?”

Quarantine Fatigue or Careless Partying? 

Those words are still true. But the restless human spirit has been doused with quarantine fatigue.  We, the doctors and staff, “get” that. But right now it is critical to restrain our urge to take back a “normal” mindset. Facing reality, that could still be a year or two away, unless a vaccines and cures are quickly discovered–and used.

And even today, FLASS restated how full the clinics and hospitals are.  Timing is everything.  Remember: “Patients with this disease can feel great in the morning and be on life support before midnight.”  Think about it, and please wear your mask.

Additional Alert:  Update June 26th 

Today there are almost 9,000 new COVID-19 Infections.  And just as we stated yesterday, a lot of these cases are instigated by

June 26,2019–FLASS ALERT:  Authorities halt the consumption of alcohol in Florida Bars. 

neglect of the protocols involving social distancing and masks. It seems that bars and parties promote the worst possible behavior for these COVID-19 rules

The Party is Over at Florida Bars

It is difficult to maintain social distance or be conscious of mask-wearing at bars.  Therefore, this morning, the order went out that all bars will be shut down in regards to serving alcohol. “Effective immediately, the Department of Business and Professional Regulation is suspending on premises consumption of alcohol at bars statewide.”

Halsey Beshears, the head of Florida’s department of business and professional regulatinon, said the policy would be in effect “immediately.” Restaurants, which can maintain better social distancing due to sheer size, can still serve alcoholic drinks at this time.

FLASS thanks you for reading this Special Alert Blog.  Florida Lung, Asthma and Sleep Specialists all say, “It has never been more important to protect your lungs.”  Wear your mask.  We are in a surge of the Coronavirus.  So maintain that social distance.  Stay with the people in your “bubble.”  We can control this–if everyone helps.