The physicians and staff of The Florida Lung Doctors invite you to join us as we celebrate National COPD Awareness Month during November. Check your local community calendars, and we predict you will see events and information about this disease, the third leading cause of death in the United States.

COPD Learn More Breathe Better® is the clever title of the national campaign developed by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Countless organizations have adopted it as their battle-cry for this year’s National COPD Awareness Month.

Do You Know The Facts?

1.  The American Lung Association condenses the definition of COPD into a few short words: “Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a lung disease caused by one or more health problems and includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema.”

With this disease, as time goes on, the patient finds it more and more difficult to breathe. Although research continues daily, at this time the Florida Lung Doctors must tell you COPD can’t be cured. It is often preventable and treatable, especially when it is diagnosed early.

2. COPD takes 120,000 American lives every single year. Let’s put that into perspective by putting it on the clock: Experts who figure out such formulas say, “that’s 1 death every 4 minutes.” That is one horrifying statistic! What is just as horrifying is that this disease ruins lives by causing long-term disability.

3.  12 million people have been diagnosed with COPD, but researchers say that at least 12 million more people probably have the disease and do not know it. They think they have endure their shortness of breath and their chronic cough just because they are getting older. Please read our story about this by clicking on this previous article.

A Special Resource If You Or Some One You Love Has Been Diagnosed

The American Lung Association has an impressive feature that you and your doctor can discuss. It is called “The COPD Action Plan,” and we recommend you check it out at their helpful site.

“The best way to manage the occasional worsening of COPD is being prepared and knowing what to do in advance – in other words, to have an ‘action plan’,” said Norman H. Edelman, M.D., Chief Medical Officer of the American Lung Association. “The Lung Association’s COPD Action Plan helps you do just that, in a way that’s both effective and easy to follow.”

Are You At Risk?  To Discover if you are at risk, take quick quiz below:

1.  Do you suffer from consistent shortness of breath?

2.  Have you recently noticed that simple daily tasks like shopping or laundry cause you “trouble,” breathlessness or coughing?

3.  Are you over age 40 and currently smoke or used to smoke?

4.  Have you worked or resided around chemicals or fumes?

If you answer any of these questions “yes,” then you are at risk for COPD. We suggest you talk to your doctor.

Chances are good that he or she will recommend a spirometry test, which is a simple, painless breathing test. In fact, if you can come to the Florida Lung Doctors, at Florida Lug, Asthma & Sleep Specialists, here in Orlando, we will give you a spirometry screening test absolutely free of charge.  That is correct! You can schedule your free spirometry screening test with “Donna,”  at 407-303-4515.  We do not want you to put this off, but call us and schedule your test today.

As our month of the Thanksgiving Holiday begins, we of the Florida, Lung, Asthma, and Sleep Specialists find ourselves counting our blessings. We are grateful that COPD is treatable, public awareness of the disease is increasing, and new advances in treatments are being researched daily. We would also be greatful if all our readers would share the above facts about COPD with at least one friend or relative.