Did you know that Valentine’s Day is not the only special heart shaped event in February? It is also Heart Month. Thus, it seems appropriate that The Florida Lung Doctors bring you some special tips for giving TLC to your Heart.

In honor of this month, the Lung Doctors step away from the lungs a little bit, to bring you advice about your heart. After all, these pointers are also good for the lungs and respiratory system!

The Happy Heart Meal Ticket: Eat Healthy for Your Valentine.

5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. (It’s okay to indulge in those Valentine Strawberries!)

Olive Oil instead of Butter: Enjoy foods low in saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol.

Get excited about delicious fiber.  The rumor is true; it can help prevent high cholesterol.  It is also true that it does not have to taste like cardboard. Modern recipes make it taste far better than in previous years.

Dump the Potato Chips:  This means limiting your salt or sodium in your diet also can lower  your blood pressure. Check out some healthy details for you and your family at this amazing source.

Balance The Scales: “Being overweight or obese can increase your risk for heart disease. To determine whether your weight is in a healthy range, doctors often calculate a number called the body mass index (BMI).” If you know your weight and height, you can calculate your BMI at CDC’s Assessing Your Weight Web site.

Get Your Heart Pumping: Give your heart 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise. Physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight and lower cholesterol and blood pressure.  The Florida Lung, Asthma & Sleep Specialists say, “All this and a little deep breathing with it  will help your lungs too!”

Blood Pressure: Florida Lung Doctors suggest, “Check it out!” Monitor your blood pressure. Did you know high blood pressure sometimes has no symptoms? So, check at your doctor’s office, your home or your local drugstore, but check.

No Smoking Allowed: Please Don’t smoke: It is bad for your heart and bad for your sweetheart’s heart too!

Watch That Toast: Alcohol can increase blood pressure. It is interesting that the CDC recommends only one drink a day, max, for women, and only two per day for men.

Got cholesterol? We know your health care provider should test your cholesterol levels at least once every 5 years. We believe you should talk with your doctor about this simple blood test. Manage your diabetes: You must monitor your blood sugar levels closely, and discuss your treatment with your doctor.

Honor Your Prescriptions: If your doctor has prescribed medication for your high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes, follow the instructions with loving care.

Ask the Tough Questions:  Here in Orlando at the Florida Lung, Asthma & Sleep Specialists,  the Florida Lung Doctors always encourage patients to be inquisitive about their health care. We specialize in careful explanations of symptoms, treatments and conditions. We want you to be a proactive partner in your own health care.

A Bonus Straight From the Heart: When you take care of your heart, your whole body feels better. Your energy pumps higher, and your sweetheart gets happier! We feel that the more you know about your care, your heart, and your lungs, the more you will nourish them. Caring for your heart means you are being good to all the hearts that care about you! Happy Valentines Day!