Here in Orlando, the Doctors and staff at FLASS believe the New Year is all about new beginnings. Florida Lung, Asthma and Sleep Specialists hope it will be full of new discoveries, treatments and therapies for our patients.

Florida Lung Asthma and Sleep Specialists Greet the New Year!
At the personal level, for our friends, families, patients, colleagues and blog-readers, we hope the New Year will be about setting and accomplishing your individual goals and dreams.
Breathe Out Old Problems and Breathe In New Joy
Each New Year’s Day, we open a shiny new, completely blank book. It contains 365 brand new gold-gilded pages. They are all blank. Instead of pens in our hands, we have our own wishes, plans, resolutions and calendars packed with events. With these, we will “write” the new book of a New Year of our lives in 2017.
As Opra Winfrey said, “Each New Year is a chance to get it right.”
We know that many of us will be making resolutions to welcome the New Year. Sadly, some people think that the breaking of those resolutions is as much a custom as the making of them. Read on, to discover this need not be true!
Healthier Life: Breathe in the New Year!
The most common resolutions involve losing weight, getting exercise, and reducing stress. If your resolutions are health related, we applaud you and wish you great success. In fact we extend more than wishes…
Below are four key steps that might help you actually accomplish your healthier-life-style resolution, be it weight control, an exercise regime, or reducing stress.
Our FLASS Formula: Here’s a step-by-step approach to your New Year’s Resolution…
1. Resolve: Write down your goal.
(We do not recommend you write more than one to three goals for the year.) Quality is what you want, seriously detailed, quality, not quantity.
Also, state a goal you can measure. Example: losing 25 pounds in four months…The Mayo Clinic recommends that you “Recognize the effort to reach your goal.” Again, be Specific. For example: I will resist eating potato chips and candy bars during the next four months.
2. Make a Personal Plan:
Break your resolution down into a workable plan. Include obstacles and plan strategies to overcome them.
For example: I will not exceed 1600 calories per day per day. If I do go over my limit, I will do an extra 20 minutes exercise.
3. Prepare Yourself and Your Environment:
It might be time to get a stationary bicycle or shiny new treadmill. Perhaps you need to organize an area in your home for exercise. Organize your work-out outfit. Figure out your time schedule. Do not sabotage yourself with the wrong shoes or an impossible time limit. Perhaps you need to join a gym or a physical activity class at your local wellness center.
Again, specificity is a very important element if you really want to accomplish your New Year’s resolution. Many people buy an app (for example “My Fit Diary,”) or start a journal to keep themselves accountable to their program.
4. Work: Take Daily Action!
What specific action will you do each day or a few times a week to accomplish your goal? Examples: I will attend aerobics class twice a week…I will take a 20 minute walk three times a week…I will write down everything I eat at breakfast, lunch and supper, for 3 weeks…

Happy New Year From The Doctors and Staff at FLASS
The FLASS Wishes for 2017
Before your e-mail, snail-mail and Facebook are over-run with Happy New Year wishes,
Let the Doctors and Staff of Florida Lung, Asthma and Sleep Specialists
take this hushed day-after-Christmas-Day-Moment to quietly advance
our wishes for you in 2017: Happiness, Health and Prosperity!