The leaves in Orlando’s parks are bringing us brilliant  hues of gold and flame, but another color owns October:  Pink!  Florida Lung, Asthma and Sleep Specialists depart from our usual topics regardingFlorida Lung, Asthma and Sleep Specialists list breast cancer facts. lung disease, to recognize the Pink of October. 

Everywhere in Orlando, you will see walks, races, fundraisers and parties-with-a-purpose, for Breast Cancer Awareness. The Doctors and staff of FLASS join the communities in central Florida in the rally for Breast Cancer awareness, research and advocacy.

In all the excitement, we hope you will not forget that wearing your pink ribbon holds a special message under the media hype:   FLASS believes this message is to raise awareness about the critical importance of mammography appointments. As you know, the early detection of breast cancer is essential in the fight against the disease.  The Florida Lung, Asthma and Sleep Specialists hope you will help to make a difference.

Likewise, experts say, “National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a chance to raise awareness about the importance of early detection of breast cancer. Make a difference! Spread the word about mammograms and encourage communities, organizations, families, and individuals to get involved.”

Let’s Take This Breast Cancer Fight Personally!

Take a personal look at Breast Cancer Statistics.

1.  Did you know that 200,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed by the end of 2015?  Will one of them be your wife, aunt, mother, daughter or close friend?

A ribbon or string tied around the finger is an age-old symbol of an effort to remember an idea or action.  So maybe, if we do not remind the women among our friends and family members to take their mammogram tests, we are wearing the ribbons the wrong place!

2.  When you pin that pink ribbon to your collar or lapel before going to work at the office in the morning, do you realize you are recognizing that breast cancer will claim more than 40,000 women’s lives by the end of the year, in the United States alone.

3.  Likewise, let us not forget that breast cancer also kills men.  It is listed in fact sheets as “rare,” and yet, an estimated 2,150 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer during 2015, and about 410 men die of this cancer, every year.

4.  In spite of all the strides we have made in Breast Cancer research, diagnosis and treatment, are you aware that one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015? At FLASS, the doctors and staff believe this number is still shockingly high!Breast Cancer Awareness Alert:  no smoking!

A Red Alert for Women Who Smoke!

Since FLASS stands for Florida Lung, Asthma and Sleep Specialists, we must bring you a special caution often ignored in Breast Cancer Statistic information. Florida Luing, asthma and Sleep Specialists salute breast cancer survivors!

Research studies have proven that women who smoke are more likely to develop breast cancer than women who never smoke a cigarette.

This was found to be particularly true for women who have more than a pack a day.

In fact, the research proved women who began smoking as teen-agers and did not quit for 35 years, were 25 percent more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer those who never smoked, according to Dr. Fei Xue, and his research team from Harvard University.

If you have been following our FLASS blog, you know smoking very detrimental for healthy lungs.

Now, here in Breast Cancer Awareness month, you know it is very risky for the health of your breasts also.

For more information about this, visit this reliable online resource.

Did you know there is also a genetic relationship between breast cancer and lung cancer?  Stay tuned, and find out more about this in our next Florida Lung, Asthma and Sleep specialist’s blog!