Memorial Day 2022 officially opens the summer season, but it means much more than that simple fact.

To begin, FLASS takes this opportunity to express our gratitude to our nation’s fallen soldiers. Thus, we interrupt our series of blogs on Immunology and Lung Cancer, to which we return next week.

You see, we would be remiss if we did not dedicate this blog to our American heroes.  Likewise, we take this opportunity to warn our asthma patients that summer events can trigger asthma attacks.

Memorial Day Means More than a Barbeque

Memorial Day 2022: Honor Our Fallen Heroes.

Send a Salute to Our Fallen Heroes… Keeping Our Nation Free!

This is the holiday during which it is our duty to commemorate our military dead.  They made the ultimate sacrifice.  We take time to show them the devotion and honor that is their due.

Indeed, it is also the first holiday get-away.  This is a time for friends and families to go on picnics, barbeques, and mini-vacations.

However, we hope our readers do not let the true meaning of the holiday get lost in the dazzle of sunshine and swimming.

 Taking the Time to Remember

Beyond an ordinary mini-vacation, Memorial Day is also a time for decorating graves with wreaths, roses, and flags. Likewise, families will attend public parades or programs devoted to patriotic speeches. And we will hear music that communicates how much we respect and honor the heroes who died for the American Way of Life.

Memorial Day means we, the FLASS family of doctors and staff, gather our military heroes into our hearts for one silent moment of appreciation.

However, as the beauty and summer unfold, we realize honors don’t have to be paid in entirely solemn ways! Memorial Day is also a 3 day holiday that celebrates the freedom our military has preserved.

A  Time to Celebrate and Commemorate

Memorial Day Unites All Americans. We Commemorate Our Fallen Military and Share Special Times With Family and Friends.

Memorial Day has become a day for celebrating life with family and friends. Plus, doctors, staff, and families here at FLASS.  We see Memorial Day as the beginning of the summer season.

It’s the first big holiday of the summer and it is filled with barbeques, festivals, park picnics, backyard cook-outs, riverbank getaways, and beaches.  However, be aware this special time can also be full of asthma triggers.  Let us review the most obvious summer conditions that can trigger asthma attacks.

Summer Holiday Cautions:  Celebrate the Outdoors–But Beware of Asthma Triggers

Although we have published these triggers previously, it’s valuable time to take another look.  To begin, let’s look at triggers that can generate asthma attacks.  These attacks can be mild or deadly, depending on the patient.

Allergist James Sublett, MD, is the chair of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Public Relations Committee. He states, “Although symptoms may not always be severe, summertime allergies and asthma are serious and, in some cases, deadly.”

He also adds, “However, these conditions shouldn’t damper summer fun. Proper diagnosis and treatment involve more than just relieving symp­toms; if we can find the source of your suffering and stop it.”

Special Note:  This means if you are on a FLASS asthma action plan, you learn your triggers.  And you avoid them.  Likewise, you know your medications.  So, always have those and your rescue medicines with you in the Great Outdoors.  

Beware of Yummy Summer Fruits and Veggies

Know Your Asthma Triggers Before You Plan Your Outdoor Activities.

Biting into a juicy strawberry on a picnic is not always a clever idea. Reactions can range from tingling lips to full-on respiratory reactions.

At FLASS we believe in addressing food allergies, getting properly assessed, and following the individualized FLASS action plan.  This includes specific treatment in case of accidental ingestion—even on a holiday.

Watch Out for Changes in the Weather 
During and after Memorial Day, summer weather can be unpredictable, especially in our area. You might face:

  • Smothering humidity.
  • Cool, sweet Sudden Breezes.
  • Winds full of strange pollen, and mold.
  • And sudden Surprisingly chilly rain.
Special Notes on Weather Triggers

Any of the above weather conditions can tighten your chest, shorten your breath, and cause painful wheezing. The fact that the weather changes suddenly to a “new” condition is enough of a trigger to provoke an asthma attack.

If you are on your customized FLASS asthma action plan, you know you should have your rescue inhaler with you at all times

Memorial Day 2022:  Also a  Holiday Feast for Stinging Insects

There’s no doubt about it, the insect world is ready to celebrate your outdoor activities. People with severe allergies to insects should always carry epinephrine into the woods–or even the backyard.

FLASS warns you to be prepared with your epi-pen in case you get stung by bees, wasps, hornets, or fire ants. Follow these three simple additional tips to avoid the insect trigger.

  • Wear long sleeves.
  • Avoid wearing perfume or hairspray—Insects love that stuff!
  • Don’t carry an open sugary drink container! FLASS will recommend testing, of course, so you will know if wasps and bees are your mortal enemies.

Why You might not like S’mores!

Every Year, we have cautioned our patients.  “On the riverbank or the ocean beach, snuggling down by the campfire might not be such a happy experience if you have asthma.

Smoke of any kind is a very typical asthma trigger. Stay up-wind. Sit away from the fire. Far away. No marshmallow toasting!”

Memorial Day 2022 Salute to the Fallen Soldiers

Memorial Day 2022: We Celebrate and Share Special Moments With Our Families and Friends.

Enjoy Memorial Day Celebrations… But, Take Time to Remember…

Yes, Memorial Day opens the beautiful, powerful season of summer to us. Once again,  the doctors and staff here at FLASS salute our fallen military.

Likewise, we warn our respiratory patients to be cautious with the known dangers that lurk in summer celebrations.

Here at FLASS, we are committed to helping our asthma patients enjoy summer fun.  Celebrate summer but know your triggers!

Terrific Take-Away from FLASS’ Memorial Day Tribute

FLASS thanks you for reading our blog this week.  And permit us to end with a thought-provoking Memorial Day quote by an unknown author:  

“Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.”