Easter is just around the corner. Spring has definitely sprung in Central Florida. Thus, we cannot help but note the heady perfume of blooms around us. Each year FLASS recognizes Easter and Spring with gratitude as we breathe in the sunshine and warm breezes.

Easter season and spring weather reveal nature in full renewal. We, the diligent doctors and staff at Florida Lung, Asthma, and Sleep Specialists have felt a buoyancy in our steps. Additionally, we hope the seasonal energy and anticipation of Easter family get-togethers bring contagious joy.

Easter Embraces and Renews.

Easter and Spring Holidays: Special Time of Sharing With Family and Friends.

All of our homes and offices sparkle with new décor featuring all the glories of spring. Easter bunnies, eggs, baby animals, and flowers! Many such masterpieces are the gifts of children and grandchildren. Yes, the feeling of renewal is contagious.


Easter Glory Makes us Bloom Anew

It is the perfect time of year to be outside. The spring breeze reinvigorates us. However, for our patients, the season is a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, our patients have the urge to run on green grass, picnic on fresh fruits and vegetables, and pet every dog in the park. On the other hand, people with respiratory diseases know they must remain attentive to triggers.


Spring Brings You a Very Special FLASS Easter Message

With that singular springtime warning in mind, we intend to use this blog article for one main purpose. We wish to declare the appreciation we have for you, our patients, our friends, and our families.

As we have in earlier Easter seasons, we declare spring to be the season of gratitude. We know that appreciation is usually celebrated in the fall with Thanksgiving. But for 2022, we are filled with warm gratitude for our blessings here at FLASS.

This year, spring has rejuvenated us in an incredibly distinct way. We feel restored due to the lessening of COVID-19 restrictions. Gratitude comes from the rediscovery of Easter time with family and friends.

Although the threat of COVID is not over, the lowering of restrictions has inspired gratitude in the hearts of the doctors, the healthcare professionals, and the staff here at FLASS.

William Arthur Ward wrote, “Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”

Thus, this blog is our way to rejoice with gratitude for the nature that surrounds us in Florida.  Likewise, we are grateful for the beauty of human nature in the people who touch our lives.


Please Accept our Spring and Easter Message of Appreciation!

Easter Brings Both Fun Times and Dangerous Triggers.

Easter and Spring Bring Us Outdoors. However, We Caution Respiratory Patients to Look Out For Out Door Triggers.

We greet you, and we thank you with this blog message. For, in this spring of 2022, you, our patients and friends, have made our hearts bloom with appreciation.

So please forgive us if this blog is a little more flowery and creative than our normal scientific, healthcare information.


Easter and Spring Bring Flowers and Philosophy

It seems proper to review a few of our caring concepts at this time of year. First, we remind you that FLASS has always fostered the identity of a Patient-Centered facility. Your team here is in partnership with you on your journey to better health. And you are on your own team.


Easter and Spring Reminders: Patient-Centered and Team-Based Healing

What is the value of your healthcare team?

1.    Patients in pro-active partnership heal better, faster. Healing is not just about what we do. It’s also about what you do.

2.    Thus, even our sickest patients also manage active lives longer despite the ravages of disease.


What is the Shared Gift of SDM in Patient Care?

With our Easter and Spring Gratitude for you, comes an authentic renewal of our Patient-Centered philosophy.

1. We will continue speaking our patient’s language.

2. We also make an Easter vow to continue including you, the patient, in deciding the wisest course of your treatment options.

3. This is technically termed “shared decision making or SDM.” Even as our FLASS clinics continue to grow, we advocate it as the best and truest communication gift. We are proud to give it to our patients.

4. Did you know Mayo Clinic recently held a study about the patient-centered philosophy for healing? That research showed that many patients appreciate and even embrace this type of treatment and communication.

In fact, “Among respondents who had never taken part in patient-centered communication or SDM with their provider, 47% said they would be “extremely” or “very likely” to switch to a provider who actively engages patients in decision making.”

FLASS feels that is an incredibly positive statistic for our patients, of course. But we are dismayed that some patients have to “shop around” to find true, holistic, patient-centered, 21st-century medicine.

Like the hope expressed by Mayo, it is our hope that “With the recent increase in healthcare legislation aimed at supporting and incentivizing value-based care measures like SDM, soon it may not be necessary for patients to leave their providers to get the care they want.”

What we mean is that we genuinely believe SDM will become the standard, not the exception, in communication with patients.


Accomplishing An Easter and Spring Objective

Easter Greeting to The World.

Take a Breath of Thanks… For Easter and Spring 2022.

At FLASS, one of the primary aims of SDM (and patient-centered care in general) is to continue to make you feel more involved in your treatment decisions. The Mayo study showed us that 87 % of the patients treated thusly believe SDM significantly put them in control of their lives.

So, it is no wonder that we at FLASS feel that this spring is a celebration of the philosophy that unifies and guides our core values here at FLASS.


Easter and Spring Thanks:  To Our Patients and their Families:

Your trust and your engagement, your participation with us in your health care journey has caused our hearts to bloom with renewed faith in our mission.


For You:  Easter and Spring Thank You Quotation

Although we have used this quote for other Easter at FLASS blogs, we find it is still true for 2022. Wilfred A. Peterson wrote, “We become more fully aware that our success is due in large measure to the loyalty, helpfulness, and encouragement we have received from others…

And he adds, “our desire grows to pass on similar gifts.”  And, “Gratitude spurs us on to prove ourselves worthy of what others have done for us.”  In conclusion, he says, “The spirit of gratitude is a powerful energizer.”


Happy Easter and  Spring!

Happy Easter and Glorious Spring!

P.S. We are still in the shadows of the COVID threat. If you are planning a large family get-together, the CDC still recommends you get tested.

Likewise, “The CDC’s guidelines state if you are fully vaccinated, you can gather indoors with other fully vaccinated people without wearing masks. Furthermore, The CDC conservatively states, “If you are fully vaccinated, you can gather indoors with unvaccinated people from one other household without masks, unless any of those people or anyone they live with is high risk.”