Heart Month is officially February.  Coincidentally, February also holds that heartfelt holiday of love, Valentine’s Day.  So FLASS focuses on heart health every February.

You might already know this cause is a federally designated event.  Yes, the health of American hearts is such a national crisis that awareness of it is federally supported.

Send your Circulatory System A Valentine that Lasts More Than One Day

Heart Month Means Recognition of Potential Cardiac System Care..

Being Aware of Your Loved Ones Cardiac-Health Is a Valentine For Life.

You see, February, with its lovely Valentine’s designs, is an ideal time to remind Americans to focus on their hearts. Therefore, our one Valentine wish at FLASS is to encourage families and communities to get involved with heart-healthy activities.

The American Heart Association adds this startling concern.  “1 in 3 women will die from cardiovascular disease – making it more deadly than all cancers combined. But too many women are unaware that heart disease is our leading cause of death.”

February Brings You Three Hot, Shiny Tips for a Healthy Heart

The American Heart Association is giving you three Valentines:  3 Tips to enrich your heart health. These tips are like “Three Hearts in the Fountain,” from an old song called “Three Coins in the Fountain.”

It features a phrase that comes to our mind each year during this American Heart Association campaign. The phrase is “three hearts in the fountain.”  Of course in the song, it has a romantic meaning behind it. However, for us, it means something far less romantic, but critically important.

Additionally, the Fountain in the phrase represents long life.  And the three hearts symbolize three shiny tips for heart health.

Heart Month Tip Number 1:  Movin’ On Up!

Our first heart-healthy tip is to keep moving.  To clarify, that means “at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most days of the week can help lower blood pressure.”

Number 2 of Our Healthy Heart Tips:  Healthy Food—Eat it Up!

Heart Month: A Time For Reflection.

Breathe Deeply! It’s a Valentine From Your Lungs to Your Heart.

And finally, reduce your salt intake.  Just start looking at the sodium intake on your food labels, especially pre-prepared or frozen foods.

  • Certainly, you will be shocked at how quickly you can overshoot the 1500-2500 maximum milligrams of salt you should have per day!
  • Plus, we are counseling you to eat more vegetables, fruits, and low-fat dairy foods.

Heart Month Tip Number 3:  Your Doctor’s  Advice—Follow it Up!

Most importantly, you should take care of your blood pressure medication. Your healthcare provider’s prescription is serious medicine.  If your doctor diagnoses you with high blood pressure, you must realize you are at risk of cardiac disease, stroke, or other serious problems.

The American Heart Association says, “Have a doctor check your blood pressure regularly…”  Additionally, they add, “…take your medication as prescribed.”

A Medical Mystery:  Why Would Do Patients Neglect Their Blood Pressure Medication?

Truly, Health professionals have no idea why many patients take their blood pressure prescriptions like casual suggestions.  Moreover, it is very ill-advised to take such medicine off-schedule or in varying doses.

Taking these medicines is not like taking an over-the-counter anti-acid for indigestion… The sort of thing you might do after eating ghost pepper enchiladas… Or flaming Super Bowl Wings.

You should not wait for the symptoms to hurt you. You should take your blood pressure medicine regularly.  Then, it is in your bloodstream.  Our conclusion is to just follow your doctor’s orders.

Three Hearts in the Fountain

Relating back to the old song mentioned above, Three Coins in the Fountain, the final verse of the song states that “Three Hearts in the Fountain–One Heart will Wear a Valentine.”  To our way of thinking, that lucky soul will be the one that follows these three healthy tips.  And the “Valentine,” will be a healthy, active life.

Beyond This Cardiac Recognition Month

Exercise Need Not Be Strenuous as Bike Riding… To Help Your Circulatory System: Just Be Physically Active For 30 Minutes Every Day.

As we have stated in previous years, we hope you keep red heart-shaped designs going long after Valentines’ Day.  And do not hesitate to wear red, as in the famous Red Dress crusade.

Likewise, share your awareness all during February and discover more valuable information at the American Heart Association.

The Mission:  A Year-Round Valentine to Your Health

Here are just a few of the things the American Heart Association does.

  • Firstly, they advance groundbreaking research.
  • Likewise, the Association spreads life-changing and life-saving knowledge.
  • And moreover, they are inclusively reaching out to all people of every age and ethnicity. They summarize February’s cause like this:  “We’re fighting heart disease and stroke in your community to ensure healthier, longer lives for you and your loved ones.”

FLASS Wishes You A Happy and Meaningful Valentine Month

Valentine Wish For You: A Strong Heart and Healthy Lungs!

One final thought for Valentine’s Day and the future. FLASS continues to believe that without good lung health, a heart can get a little bit lost or wasted…  And vice versa.  Don’t forget. Respiratory and Circulatory systems work together strongly and cleanly, by divine design.

Happy Valentine’s Day to you from the doctors and staff of FLASS.