Mother’s Day comes every May, and we would be remiss if we did not dedicate this blog in her honor.  Therefore, let us take the opportunity to express a “Happy Mother’s Day” to mothers of our family of staff, patients, and friends.

You see, we learn to know quite a few mothers in our line of work here at Florida Lung, Asthma, and Sleep Specialist.

We do not mean to honor only the natural mothers, but also grandmothers, step-mothers, aunts, and nurturing friends who celebrate caregiving in the rooms and hallways of our clinics, offices, and hospitals.

So, Sunday is Your Day. And certainly, we acknowledge all of you. We know that the art of motherhood is difficult, We hope you can take a day to breathe and relax. And feel the love.


May Brings Mother’s Day and World Asthma Day (WAD)

Happy Mother's Day

Whether Young or old, we need to celebrate all our mothers. Happy Mother’s Day

When we think of May, we also think of our asthma patients (and their mothers) in a very special way.  You see, the first Tuesday in every May is World Asthma Day, as stated by GINA, the Global Initiative for Asthma.

The World Health Organization created World Asthma Day in 1993.  Although FLASS is here in Orlando Florida, we feel it is good to peek out of our own little world and acknowledge the total world outside of Florida and the US. Thus, today we honor the WHO and GINA for their global awareness day, during our Mother’s Day Month.  “WHO recognizes that asthma is of major public health importance. According to WHO, it was estimated that more than 339 million people had Asthma globally …”

Although the actual World Asthma Day has slipped by, May 5, this year, we dedicate May, not only to Mother’s, but to information about this disease.  You see, we feel Moms are worthy of a whole month of honor, not just one day.

And asthma attacks rise in May, due to the high number of spring and summer seasonal allergens that float in the air.

We know everyone has been focused on COVID-19 numbers. However, do you realize there were 417,918 deaths due to asthma at the global level in 2016? That means a lot of tear-laden Mother’s Days for many Moms who lost their children or for children who lost their Mothers.


Mother’s Day and Asthma Awareness Share the Month of May


Asthma Awareness

Asthma awareness shares the recognition with Mother’s Day in May.

World Asthma Day chose the theme of “Uncovering Asthma Misconceptions.”  As a life-long asthmatic, this blogger has endured a personal connection with these myths.

Ironically, considering today’s topic, it was my mother, a registered nurse, who taught me they were untrue.

She was a woman ahead of her time, obviously, since many of these misconceptions still profligate world-wide.  So, in honor of asthma mothers everywhere, let’s review the myths.  These are the myths “that prevent persons with asthma from enjoying optimal benefit from the major advances in the management of this condition.”


The FLASS Top Three Asthma Myths

Just as Moms teach us to cook, they teach us about asthma triggers.

Just as moms teach us cooking, they teach us how to avoid our asthma triggers.

1.  Many people think asthma is a childhood disease. No, take it from a sufferer, we never outgrow it.

2.  Another common myth is that other people can catch it. FLASS is here to inform you that Asthma is not infectious. (I think we are all more conscious of coughs in public, due to COVID-19. However, always think before you judge.

3.  My childhood friend’s mom used to tell him, “No, you cannot go out to play.” “Why?” “Because you’ll get an asthma attack…” “No. No bike-riding for you.”  In her quiet, gentle way, my mother pulled her aside and informed her it was not true that Asthma sufferers should not exercise.

In fact, exercise is good for us.  However, asthma-affected children and adults should always have their inhaler with them.  Additionally, they need to know how to use it.

Even today, I would not play in a field of ragweed or tease a wasp. (Those are triggers for me.) But we can control our asthma to play and exercise normally.  I can swim and hike and dance.  So could my friend, once his mom understood–and taught him how to use his inhaler if needed.


And More Asthma Misconceptions that Will Not Die

When an asthmatic understands the FLASS asthma action plan, they know about their triggers.

4.  Recently, a friend who learned I had asthma was horrified.  She asked how I could tolerate all those high-dose steroids.  Once again, there was living proof of an enduring misconception.

She really believed doctors could only control asthma with high-dose steroids. The truth of the matter is that doctors use low-dose, inhalable steroids to combat flare-ups.


Setting the Record Straight for Mothers Everywhere

5.  Did you know, “Asthma can occur at any age?”

6.  The truth is that Asthma is not infectious. However, the myth grew because “viral respiratory infections (such as common cold and the flu) can cause asthma attacks. In children, “asthma is frequently associated with allergy, but asthma which starts in adulthood is less often allergic.”


After Mother’s Day…

Mother's Kiss on Mother's Day

Closeup portrait of African family having fun in the studio

We will still be featuring information about asthma during this beautiful month of May.  That will put us in tune with many global health organizations. Thus, we are using this month to heighten public awareness about the disease.

Florida Lung, Asthma & Sleep Specialists join with WHO and Gina, and other agencies to ensure people with asthma have access to the informative resources that are key to controlling their disease.


Take-Aways from Mothers Day and Asthma

At FLASS we can devise a treatment plan that will help you, your primary doctor, your nutritionist, and your family pursue an active, healthy lifestyle.

Additionally, this is not just for the asthma month of May!  FLASS has made a lifetime commitment to making a difference for people living with asthma.

Below are some wonderful resources for you and your family if you are suffering from asthma.  So, please pass them on to someone you know if they are suffering.

  • an informative site on how to manage asthma, cope with attacks and triggers, and live in the real world!
  • Asthma Basics: A learning module where you can set your own pace for studying asthma.  Perfect for adults and caregivers!
  • Guide to Controlling Asthma at Work: This site helps asthma sufferers to discover ways to prevent asthma triggers igniting symptoms in the work workplace.

Happy May!  Joyful Spring!  Happy Mother’s Day!

Handmade or Store-bought, we are sure your cards and wishes will honor mothers everywhere.

Here are two wonderful Mother’s Day Quotes to hold in your heart, this Mother’s Day 2021 and Beyond:

“But behind all your stories is your mother’s story. For hers is where yours begins.”  By Mitch Albom

And this one is anonymous:

Your mother lives inside your laughter.

She’s the place you came from,

your first home

and she’s the map you follow with every step you take…

Nothing on earth can separate you.

Not time, not space…not even death.”

Additionally, the staff, healthcare providers and the doctors, and the pulmonologists from FLASS wish you a Happy Mother’s Day—We are celebrating Mother and Asthma Awareness for the entire Month of May.