The COVID19 Vaccine will soon be available to you, whatever your age or vocation in life.  You will have to decide to take it or take the risk of contracting the coronavirus. FLASS hopes the details in this blog article will ease your misgivings or misunderstandings about taking the COVID19 vaccine.


COVID19 and the Backstory Facts

The COVID19 Vaccine Can Change Our Lives.

Our Front Line of Defense: We Have the Vaccine for COVID19. Now, Lets Put It to Good Use.

As we approach the end of the first week in January 2021, we have “confirmed more than 21 million COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began.”  Moreover, although many light cases self-quarantine at home, we have at least 125,000 hospitalizations nation-wide. That’s a lot of hospital rooms, doctors, nurses, and treatments.

FLASS begins this week’s blogs with these two statistics so that readers will understand the importance of getting the vaccine when it is available to you.  We have heard a lot of people questioning whether or not they should take the vaccine for COVID 19 or not.

Thus, this article brings you a brief summary of the advantages of taking the vaccine. We hope to defeat some of the fallacies and myths we hear every day.


COVID19 Vaccine Worries and Fears

In the first place, the doctors, healthcare providers, and staff know you might remain anxious about the time period in which our scientists developed the vaccine. However, although scientists have developed COVID-19 vaccines expeditiously, we assure you they have not taken dangerous or rushed short-cuts in development.

Scientists have maintained the essential high standards of “processes and procedures that ensure the safety of any vaccine that is authorized or approved for use.”  And the CDC has stated, “Safety is a top priority, and there are many reasons to get vaccinated.”


Truth:  The Vaccine Can’t Give You COVID19

Secondly, we want you to know that “None of the COVID19 vaccines contain the live virus that causes COVID-19…”  Thus we know a COVID-19 vaccine will not simply give you COVID-19. However, It might give you a sore arm and a bit of fever for a couple of days.


Truth:  The Consequences of the COVID-19 Vaccine Are Good

Get Your COVID19 Virus Shot ASAP.

Follow the Guidelines. And ABOVE ALL, TAKE The VACCINE.

Put simply, the major consequence of taking the Vaccine is that it will help prevent you from contracting the dreaded illness, COVID-19. The CDC has reassured us that “All COVID-19 vaccines, currently available in the United States, have been shown to be highly effective at preventing COVID-19.”

Why are we so confident?

  •  Because we know about vaccines for other diseases,
  • And because of the amazing results of clinical trials. We agree with  “experts believe that getting a COVID-19 vaccine may also help keep you from getting seriously ill even if you do get COVID-19.”

Thirdly, The Vaccine Helps Those Around You

  • You see, when you get vaccinated, you are helping to protect your own family. Likewise, you are helping to protect all the people with whom you come in contact on any given day.  Don’t forget that this means you are also protecting the most vulnerable among us.
  • That youthful but elderly lady at the supermarket.
  • Or the diabetic pharmacist who fills your prescriptions.
  • Or your plumber who suffers from high blood pressure…
  • They might be more at risk for a severe illness from COVID19 than you, even if their conditions are not obvious.

The Vaccine and An Under-appreciated Benefit

Did you know experts are continuing to study the vaccine’s ability to keep people from spreading the virus that causes COVID-19?

The COVID19 vaccination is basically a safer way to create immunity than just catching the disease.  And yes, we have heard that casual attitude among some people. They want immunity by just catching the virus.

This is not smart behavior.  They are either very healthy or part of a younger group. Therefore, they think they’ll just catch it accidentally without wearing a mask or social distancing. They are gambling they will get only a week-end-flu version of the disease, or be asymptomatic.  Let’s consider a few important points here:


1.       Risky Business:

Only You Can Help Stop COVID19 With Our Strongest Weapon: The Vaccine.

You have no idea how could the virus could affect you.  It causes serious, life-threatening complications.  You cannot predict how COVID-19 will affect you, regardless of your age or activity. And don’t forget, in the meantime, you could spread the disease to friends, family, and others.


2.       Not-so-Much Natural Immunity:

It is true that Getting COVID-19 gives you some natural immunity. At present, we believe that natural immunity often lasts about 90 days. The vaccine works differently to give you longer, stronger immunity. Read on to understand how.  But let us now state, “We agree with the CDC that the “risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19 far outweighs any benefits of natural immunity.”


3.       The Vaccine Way to a Healthy Society:

COVID-19 vaccine protects you by creating an antibody (immune system) response without having to experience sickness.”
“Both natural immunity and immunity produced by a vaccine are important parts of COVID-19 disease that experts are trying to learn more about, and CDC will keep the public informed as new evidence becomes available.”


COVID19 Vaccine:  A Powerful Weapon in Your Arsenal

Your COVID-19 vaccination will be an important weapon in stopping this pandemic. The health providers at FLASS are asking you to take a personal part in this battle for the health of the family, nation, and world.  Getting the Vaccine is a step beyond wearing your mask, washing your hands, and maintaining social distancing.

We deeply believe we must add the power of public vaccination to our observance of all the other CDC recommendations. This is necessary in order to defeat this hideous disease. Remember, the mask may protect you from getting infected. However, the Vaccine prepares your immune system to fight the virus when and if you become exposed. And the vaccine prevents you from personally being an unwitting spreader of the disease.


Vaccine:  Key to Victory Against the Virus

Ultimately, it is the combination of getting the vaccine and following the CDC’s guidelines that will help us defeat the coronavirus. We cannot win the battle against COVID-19 without using all the weapons science has given us.

Worried about the soreness in your arm? let’s look at the recent words from Dr. Joyce A. Williams. Dr. Williams wrote a blog at the famed KevinMD site, documenting reasons nurses are taking the vaccine.


COVID19 Vaccine Truth and Consequences:  Great Case Studies

The Vaccine Is Your Shield and Weapon to Protect Your Family From COVID19.

In the words of a nurse who recently got vaccinated, “I got the COVID vaccine because I want to hug my mom. Needless to say, I was surprised when she said she wasn’t sure if she wanted to get it. She was nervous about the side effects that she had heard about.”

The nurse went on to explain, “She’s also over 65 with insulin-dependent diabetes and hypertension. I haven’t hugged her in 16 months. When I explained that she’d be able to see her grandchildren and me after she was vaccinated, she understood. I wouldn’t tell my mother to get a vaccine if I thought it would negatively affect her in any way. I really want to hug her.”


Consequences in Vaccine Case Study Number 2

Another nurse shared her experience with the vaccine decision in this manner: “I got the COVID vaccine because the vaccine’s benefits are greater than the known risks of the vaccine. 90 to 95 percent effective at preventing infection sounds pretty great to me.” And she shared her sensitive reaction very candidly,

“The injection site pain, chills, malaise, and myalgias, which I experienced were not that great. But, they were short-lived (48 hours).  All of it was still better than what I’ve seen from actually getting COVID.”

And she added dramatically, “I would take ten more vaccines and their side effects if it meant I didn’t have to get COVID.”  Her case does give you one special warning. “My only caveat here is if you have had a serious reaction to vaccines in the past or life-threatening allergies. If that’s you, talk to your provider before getting a vaccine.” We agree.


Case Study Number 3:  Vaccine and Future Effects

Yet another nurse explained she took the vaccine because she would “not make a decision based on the unknown. People say the vaccine might cause fertility problems, but if I died from coronavirus, fertility would be a non-issue.

She added candidly, drawing from her nursing care of COVID19 victims, “I’ve seen what this nasty virus can do. And it is too much of an ever-present threat to not do anything about right now.” By the way, since her time of taking the vaccine, it has been proven that it does not affect fertility or your DNA in any way.

Do Your Part to Save Us All: The COVID19 Vaccine Can Save the Lives of Loved Ones.

Follow Our Brave Nurses’ Example: Take Your Vaccine.

People are overcoming their fears and taking their vaccines.  Thus, step by step, we are winning our war with this terrible virus.  Don’t believe the fallacies and fairytales out there.  Put your faith in medicine and science.

Be an everyday hero in our battle.