Surviving COPD is a stunning lifestyle challenge in any given day, month, or year. However, in the age of COVID-19, it is even more frightening.

Here at FLASS, we realize that we are all subject to a great deal of misinformation about COVID-19. Thus, we know patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) might be worried. Patients need to know exactly how to maintain their personal safety.

In fact, this is true of any patients who are fighting a chronic respiratory disease.  You see, such individuals are aware they are “at higher risk of severe illness and complications from COVID-19.”


5 Secrets of Surviving COPD in the Days of COVID-19

Surviving COPD in the Age of Coronavirus Requires Following All Safety Rules.

Your Mask: Don’t Leave Home Without It, Especially If You Have COPD.

The doctors, healthcare professionals, and staff at FLASS are sincerely concerned for their patients. Therefore, we dedicate this blog to all who suffer from respiratory diseases at this trying time of COVID-19.

However, this article focuses specifically on those who have COPD. Researchers have stated that if you have COPD, you might have significantly increased chances of developing a severe case of COVID-19 if exposed to it.  Obviously, as experts have noted, “Existing lung damage means it is more difficult for the lungs to fight off an infection.”

Likewise, we quote, “According to a meta-analysis of seven studies, the researchers concluded that those with COPD may have a significantly increased risk of developing severe COVID-19 infections.”


The BackStory:  Surviving COPD in the Shadow of COVID-19

Let’s investigates 5 secrets of survival for COPD patients in the age of the coronavirus.  Dr. Albert Rizzo is the chief medical officer of the American Lung Association. He has created some solutions or secrets for those suffering from COPD while a new and unique viral sickness continues to threaten us all.

And keep in mind, we are speaking of millions of Americans when we are talking about patients who have COPD. Let us review the COPD condition briefly. “About 24 million Americans have COPD, but half of them don’t know it yet. COPD includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis, and it is often a combination of the two.”

Furthermore, “In emphysema, the air sacs in the lungs lose their stretchiness and don’t work as well. In chronic bronchitis, irritation and inflammation lead to thick mucus and difficulty breathing.” Therefore, it is not difficult to understand how the threat of COVID-19 can cause such patients more than the normal amount of stress. (Find more information on COPD in one of our previous blog articles.)


First Surviving COPD Secrets:  Patients Must Avoid Exposure

We know that we are all very susceptible to COVID-19 because, as Dr. Rizzo noted, it is a triple threat:

  • It is a new disease in humans.
  • Our immune systems haven’t yet developed defenses against it.
  • And there’s currently no vaccine.

He concluded, “The best way to avoid illness, regardless of age or health status, is avoiding exposure to the virus.”

Remember, back when the virus first started infecting people, we followed rules very carefully.  We have seen a relaxation of those rules over recent weeks, as numbers of deaths decreased.  However, the individual with COPD, must not relax.  “For individuals living with COPD, stringent adherence to safety precautions is vital.”

  • Unfortunately, “this means staying home as much as possible to avoid potential exposure to the virus.”
  • When you must go out, keep aware of that social distancing 6-foot rule.
  • Never forget to “wear a cloth face covering and encourage others to do the same.”
  • All too familiar are the doctor’s instructions for COPD patients. Wash hands thoroughly and often, as well as constantly disinfect frequently touched surfaces.

Second COPD Survival Secret:  Managing Control

If You Test Positive for COVID-19, Remember, Even with COPD, Your Chances for Survival Are Still Very Good.

Dr. Rizzo also pointed out that managing your disease is particularly critical right now, just in case you do contract COVID-19.  FLASS can not remind you strongly enough to manage your COPD with strict adherence to your “controller medications.”

For the time being, you can limit your potential exposure to COVID-19 with such services as mail-order or delivery of your medications.


Surviving COPD Secret Number Three:  Listening To Your Body’s Messages

Please do not avoid important doctor’s visits. Likewise, you should not “ignore flare-ups or new symptoms. COPD complications can become serious if left untreated.”  Like FLASS, many pulmonologists offer telemedicine. Plus all doctors are still maintaining safety protocols as COVID-19 persists.


Vital Secret Number Four:  Do not Neglect Your Nebulizer

Dr. Rizzo reminds COPD patients that they must take their medicine correctly. He added, “In certain areas, there have been reported shortages of metered-dose inhalers (MDIs) due to increased demand in healthcare settings. Nebulized therapy continues to be a safe, effective way to take inhaled medications at home during the pandemic… And he cautioned, that other, “special steps should be taken if you have suspected or confirmed COVID-19.”

In fact, some patients have discovered that nebulized therapy is an affordable option. Check out special information about your nebulizer treatments at this convenient online resource.  At this site, you can watch video tutorials on properly utilizing and maintaining your nebulizer. These videos can help you whether there is a pandemic going on or not.


Critical Secret of Survival Number Five:  You Suspect You Have COVID-19—Now What?

If you have suspected or confirmed COVID-19, you will need to maintain home isolation. This is not only for self-protection but for the health of other household members. So, let’s view some added safety protocols when using your nebulizer:

  • Do not forget to wash your hands before and after your nebulizer treatment
  • Find a special corner to use your nebulizer. The area should minimize exposing other household members to the “aerosolized droplets.”
  • FLASS joins Dr. Rizzo in recommending an outdoor patio, screened-in porch, or “a room indoors where the air is not recirculated throughout the house and nobody else will enter for 1-2 hours…”  This time is required for the droplets to cease being airborne.
  • And do not forget it is essential to “clean and disinfect your nebulizer.”

Elevated Risks:  Surviving COPD and COVID-19

We are certain you realize that your healthcare team assist you with testing and discontinuing home isolation.  Most patients recover from mild cases of COVID-19. It doesn’t always mean hospitalization. However, it does require home isolation. Certainly, contact your doctor if you have new or severe respiratory symptoms.

Surviving COPD Means Strict Adherence to Special COPD Medications.

For COPD Patients: Flass Bringing You the Secrets of Staying Healthy in the Age of COVID-19.

We know COPD gives you an elevated risk factor for severe COVID-19 symptoms. So be sure to seek emergency care if you begin having these symptoms:

  • “Trouble breathing.
  • Pain or pressure in your chest.
  • Development of a bluish tinge to your lips or face.
  • And new confusion or inability to wake or stay awake.”

FLASS advises you to check out the American Lung Association. This is a little bit of extra homework. However, it is worthwhile if you or someone you love has been diagnosed with a chronic lung condition of any kind. They feature updated information on COPD, COVID-19, and nebulized therapy.

As always, we sincerely thank you for reading our Florida Lung, Asthma, and Sleep Specialists’ blog.  Breathe Deep. Be Safe. We invite you to join us again for information on respiratory disease.